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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/13/2017 in Posts

  1. What do you say? Is his penis shopped? If not, looks like a fine dick, no? :whistle:
    1 stiffie
  2. I've been a non-contributing member and vow to change that. Thierry has been a truly instant TM (Turgidity Maker) for years and long before his legit and fabulous modeling career. He really was most famous to many of us for the incredible and totally versatile hard core film he did. When his career as a model took off the film pretty much disappeared. I read that his agency threatened every site and forced its removal by claiming he was 17 at the time of filming. I was lucky to see it soon after it was released! I don't want to start a name calling controversy, but I personally liked him much better before the additional tats. It's just that I prefer smooth and undecorated and unpierced men. However, for me he is still the oft proven guarantee that my hand will work and be happy to do so. I
    1 stiffie
  3. http://rapidgator.net/file/b12ff45937488e422ba177e26168c3c2/MMensuel_-_Fevrier_2017.pdf.html
    1 stiffie
  4. http://rapidgator.net/file/03780368a2e529a6f3d9b27f3d13f388/man_No.10_2017.pdf.html
    1 stiffie
  5. You need explain no further @Steve I am way ahead of you
    1 stiffie
  6. Dougie....we love the same type of men. If appears his package is full and needs some relief.....
    1 stiffie
  7. 1 stiffie
  8. This has been one of my favorite photos since @Steve posted it, and my initial reaction was the same as @zach19’s. Alas, it turns out to be a morph, so another dream is shattered. I ran across it earlier today on “BuiltByTallSteve’s” blog of morphs and other photo-manipulations: http://builtbytallsteve.blogspot.com/2015/04/new-version-old-picture.html The hunk in the photo is South African bodybuilder Louis Bessinger and was apparently shot for “Oohlala Magazine.” The original photo and a slightly different shot are shown below. Photos #3-4 are more recent photos of him, and #5 shows him ripped and shredded for a competition. IMO, he looked much better in the first two photos.
    1 stiffie
  9. 1 stiffie
  10. Steven Dehler (aka Steven Edward Dehler), both as a young studmuffin and a more mature stud.
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  11. 1 stiffie
  12. 'George,” another in a series of hot model discoveries by photographer Sasha Kosmos.
    1 stiffie
  13. Yeah, I was taught the same rule, and I almost always follow it in formal writing. But in the informal writing style we use here, the general practice is to ignore some formalities, such as using “whom" instead of “who” as the object of a preposition and other situations where the objective case is formally required. (How many times have you seen “whom” used in an AM post?) And, alas, some members are blissfully unaware of the finer points of English, either the U.S. version or the Queen’s. Churchill himself — no slouch as a writer and orator — is quoted as saying, “This is the sort of English up with which I will not put!” when someone edited a terminal preposition out of something he’d written. Such formal constructions often look and sound awkward. And you often see (or formally, “one often sees”) the guideline, “A preposition is a word you can end a sentence with.” Of course, there’s also the opposite guideline, “A preposition is a word not to end a sentence with.” One despairs. A country lad went off to college at Harvard, and he stopped an upperclassman to ask, “Can you tell me where the library is at?” The upperclassman condescendingly replied, “At Harvard we don’t end a sentence with a preposition!” The freshman responded, “Okay, can you tell me where the library is at, asshole?” (Never mind the additional consideration that when you ask where something is, “at” is clearly implied by the context, so it’s superfluous. And obviously, substituting Oxford or Cambridge for Harvard in this yarn would work equally well for our British mates.) But I agree completely with the sentiment of Doug’s sentence: It depends of which part of the horse you’re jealous. And as Doug would say, “We now return to our regular programing."
    1 stiffie
  14. it was working yesterday :( let me find a new link
    1 stiffie
  15. Agreed. But now that they have arrived for us via the internet, I'm not complaining. I don't even know much of his music - a couple of songs. But I find him rather pleasant eye candy. Great post sammy.
    1 stiffie
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