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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/29/2016 in Posts

  1. Pattinson is gorgeous, but I’d still take Alex any day. Or both of them together. Whatever.
    2 stiffies
  2. Another LegendMen solo with Alex: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=876283297 Not his best cum shot of the series, but the quantity is still pretty impressive. That cock, especially his huge mushroom head, is one of the wonders of the world!
    1 stiffie
  3. I've seen every major production of "The Last Five Years" that's been put up: the original Skokie, IL premiere with Norbert Leo Butz and Lauren Kennedy, the following Off-Broadway production with Butz and Sherie Rene Scott, and finally, the revival that Jason Robert Brown directed himself a few years ago. To say that I was excited (and apprehensive) for the movie would be an understatement. As a film.. it didn't truly work. At least not the way in which Richard LaGravenese wrote/directed it. First off, let me get out of the way the fact that Anna Kendrick was perfect. She completely and totally nailed it in every single way. Moving on. Jeremy Jordan was a poor choice for Jamie. He's charismatic, yes, but he doesn't have the acting chops to carry some of the VERY heavy material. There are a few moments when Anna Kendrick outshines him even during one of his songs.. He was "fine," but they could have gotten someone better. As for the the real reason I didn't think it worked as a film, it was simply "too much" at times. In the stage production, while one of the two actors sings, the other is usually there on stage, and is "present" in the scene, but they're not IN the scene, therefore giving whomever is singing the scene to themselves, basically. The film didn't really do that, adding in dialogue (which I get was probably necessary in a couple of scenes) and letting the two characters simultaneously share the scene. The weight and emotion that comes with that hurts the story-- we're seeing and hearing "too much," if you will. In the stage production, we're supposed to leave understanding both sides with our limited knowledge of he said/she said, we're not supposed to really be able to blame either of them specifically. Here, with the additional dialogue and scenes and "revelations" that comes in Jamie's last solo number, "Nobody Needs To Know," we come away thinking that yes, it was completely his fault. Losing that objectivity makes me sad, haha.. I DO like the movie, though, haha, despite this rant. "See I'm Smiling" was so flawlessly done by Kendrick, I think it's my new favorite version of the song. And Scott's version on the original Off-Broadway cast album was hard to top.
    1 stiffie
  4. 1 stiffie
  5. 1 stiffie
  6. I'm jealous of his towel!
    1 stiffie
  7. I want the guy on the left
    1 stiffie
  8. 1 stiffie
  9. Can we step into the barn for a moment? I need to show you something.
    1 stiffie
  10. #1 is porn model Joe Landon (in a photo from “upzipped online”). The first 4 images look like they may be from the same photoshoot. The jockstrap in #3-4 is one of the most bizarre I’ve ever seen. The last 4 photos are also from “unzipped online." #2 above is former All American Guys model and minor IFBB Pro bodybuilder Ryan Lewis.
    1 stiffie
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