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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/25/2016 in Posts

  1. W: “Wally" This adorable, All-American-jock-next-door stud muffin gives a mouthwatering solo JO performance in the final scene on Falcon’s über-classic DVD “Hayride” (FVP 013), one of that studio’s earliest “video pacs.” In the scene, Wally is supposed to be painting the room and starts out in a pair of white painter’s pants, but he quickly dispenses with those and turns his attention to other matters — much to viewers’ delight. The last photo shows his Mt. Vesuvius-like “money shot.” (Sorry for its low quality. It’s almost certainly a screen capture. I downloaded it from Falcon’s Website in 2001, when screen-capture technology wasn’t nearly as good as today’s. Unfortunately, Falcon didn’t redo the screen capture in the late 2000s when it converted its site to all-digital photography and video in larger formats.) Much to porn connoisseurs’ regret, this is the only scene Wally ever did for Falcon or any other studio, and these are the only photos of him in Falcon’s current on-line library.
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  2. 1 stiffie
  3. Rodrigo Tejera Is he gorgeous, or what!??
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  4. Restoring my broken links from above because - as Jack kindly points out - visuals are a requirement.... David Keith Miller Brian Huseby (Picked the smile just for you, Mac!) Julian Rios Mark Wolff (As you can guess, the old "guy-on-his-back-with-his-erection-sailing-in-the-air" pose is my favorite for all these guys! ) All of these come from the DC Playgirl Gallery. There's more where these came from!
    1 stiffie
  5. The obvious choice is probably Ken Ryker but I'll go with Kyle Hunter
    1 stiffie
  6. he has a nice arse ready to be dealt with...
    1 stiffie
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