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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/01/2010 in Posts

  1. Why do you doubt it? Just because you're ideologically or morally opposed to it, doesn't mean it doesn't work. Do you have any examples of important decisions that were made entirely not behind the scenes, and that didn't fail? All you say is "I disagree", but you don't really say why. You say you like math, but math is not really about 1+1 equalling 2, but about logic. You know the saying: "1+1=3, for sufficiently large values of '1'." ;) All your arguments so far were based on emotion, and even your appeal to mathematics is an emotional one. You should know that human societies is not at all similar to simple arithmetics. There are heaps of variables that must be taken into account, which makes "1+1=2" a really naive analogy. If you were in a position of power, and you really were making all your decisions thoroughly transparent, you would first and foremost play into the hands of your enemies (don't say you wouldn't have enemies; when you have power, you also have enemies, no matter what). You would also create a lot of new enemies: those who resent transparency on principle, those who resent decisions being delayed due to the unnecessary complications caused by open debate; those whose privacy and/or secrets have been compromised by this mandated indiscretion; and probably many more that I can't think of right now.
    1 stiffie
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