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The Hall Pass


The Hall Pass

In their playful banter, Eddie and Leo often joked about their celebrity hall passes. Leo never imagined they would become reality until Eddie bumped into Rocco Steele at the grocery store. Eddie's excitement brimmed as he recounted the encounter, turning his fantasy into a tangible prospect. Yet for Leo, the revelation stirred the horrifying prospect of giving his husband away, especially a pornstar known for his monster cock.

The evening approached with Rocco Steele himself at the door. With a racing heart, Leo watched as Eddie disappeared into the bedroom with his crush. Outside the closed bedroom door, Leo stood in silence, his ears straining to catch any sound from within. At first, there was only quiet, tension hanging in the air. But then, as if a switch had been flipped, the room was filled with the symphony of moans, cries and grunts.

As Leo listened, his mind painted vivid images of what might be happening on the other side of the door. He imagined Rocco's enormous cock, its sheer size and power capable of dominating Eddie in ways Leo had only dreamed of. He pictured Eddie, his body trembling as he worshipped Rocco's monster, surrendering himself completely. Each imagined scenario sent a shiver down Leo's spine, as he grappled with the reality of his husband's situation.

As minutes stretched into hours, the intensity of the sounds only seemed to grow. Eddie's voice, once familiar and comforting, now carried a raw edge of desire. The deafening rhythmic wet slaps of flesh meeting flesh reverberated through the walls, while Eddie's own voice pierced through that noise with cries for "More!", interspersed with fervent pleas of "Oh my God" and breathless affirmations of "Yes!"

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, the bedroom door finally creaked open, and Rocco emerged, wearing a friendly smile. "You've got a wonderful husband there," he remarked casually, his eyes lingering suggestively on Eddie's figure. "Great ass that can really take it. Hope to stop by again."

The words hung in the air, friendly yet laden with implications, leaving Leo feeling unsteady. With a nod, Rocco departed, leaving Leo to grapple with the realization that this encounter may not have been a one-time thing.

Entering the dimly lit bedroom, Leo's gaze fell upon Eddie, his body spent and glistening with sweat. Their eyes met. Without a word, Eddie reached out to Leo, pulling him close in a tender embrace.

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