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David Morin

David Morin

FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU LOVE Male 34 years old Miami Beach, Florida, US GETMORIN.COM Mayhem #2028883 Model MM URL: http://www.modelmayhem.com/2GETMORIN About me STRICTLY PROFESSIONAL SITE FOR WORK AND NETWORKING. I WILL NOT BE ACTIVE ON MM AFTER APRIL 30TH, PLEASE EMAIL PROSPECTIVE PAYING WORK TO [email protected] NUDES TY NAMASTE- I SALUTE THE SPIRIT IN YOU! FAVORITE QUOTES... "IF SEXY WAS SO FUCKING IMPORTANT, HELEN KELLER, MOTHER TERESA, TESLA, EINSTEIN WOULD HAVE ALL BEEN PORN STARS....AND WE WOULD STILL BE MONKEYS"- DM "There are women who, however you may search them, prove to have no content but are purely masks. The man who associates with such almost spectral, necessarily unsatisfied beings is to be commiserated with, yet it is precisely they who are able to arouse the desire of the man most strongly: he seeks for her soul--and goes on seeking." - Nietzsche "Repugnant is a creature who would Squander the ability to lift an eye to heaven Conscious of their fleeting time here"- TOOL "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"- Mahatma Gandhi " "Absolute vulnerability is true courage." Adyashanti "A warrior does not give up what they Love, they find the love in what they do"-peaceful warrior "THE HIGHEST FORM OF WISDOM IS KINDNESS"- BUDDHA `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Thank you for taking the time to read my page! My name is David, I am devoted to the healing arts. I do model for extra money and for fun. I play guitar and can sing a tune or two. I have acting experience, I am an effective personal trainer, well versed in natural supplements and nutrition. I have been a sponsored athlete for OPTIMUM NUTRITION and USPLABS. In the near future I am going to leave the world of weights and gyms behind for a transition into fulltime Yoga and calisthenics. PLEASE BE ADVISED FOR BOOKINGS AFTER APRIL 30 I WILL NOT BE ACTIVE ON THIS SITE....PLEASE EMAIL ANY PROSPECTIVE JOBS TO [email protected]. David R Morin ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` "DREAM LIKE YOU'LL LIVE FOREVER...LIVE LIKE YOU'LL DIE TODAY!" Published on March 21st, 2011 Hello! my name is David Morin I am 33 I live in Miami Beach FL, I have a Martial Arts back ground with yoga, free weights, and open to many other fusions that have popped up recently. I enjoy mountain biking, hiking, surfing, skateboarding and anything outdoors. I have trained all my life as part of my mental and physical development. I started weights in 1999 as part of becoming a Personal trainer at Bally total fitness. It was kind of a tuff time as I was going through a divorce and felt weights were the best way to focus some of the anger and depression that came with my situation. Motivation is easy when you have been training as long as I have. Its just a matter of feeling balance for me now?training is a part of my life. I went through the ego phase of needing to compete with others?now its all about my limits and finding new ways to surpass them. That is my motivation?and I find that through that pursuit I inspire others. Currently I do one a whole body circuit three times a week. Some type of cardio for 40 min every morning first thing. My diet is about 3000 cals a day.. lean protein, raw salmon, raw egg whites, natural peanut butter, Greek yogurt, whey protein, chicken and veggies?.like arugola. I have become?thanks to my most recent ex a huge fan of juicing fruits and veggies. A great film to watch is a Beautiful Truth. Lower the carbs?increase the Protein and slowly increase the raw healthy fats. Intense interval cardio combine with increased BCAA intake and a nice thermogenic. Incline dumbell press, pullups, squats. ZMA, resveratrol, BCAA, Whey Protein and Jacked3d. Q: How do you get so vascular? A: Cardio My twin girls, and having published fitness print. ?Diamonds are made under pressure, to get something you have never had, you must be willing to do what?s never been done?. ?We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience?. To raise my little girls to be ladies, to launch my fitness invention, to transition more into yoga resistance fusion training. To maintain a loving and caring relationship with my family and all those that wish to share in my life. To relocate to New Zealand in five years. I would also like to do some more fitness print work.

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I love his video

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