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Thanks for the memories…Vintage

Thanks for the memories…Vintage



  • Album created by Batman
  • Updated
  • 2,036 images
  • 39 album comments
  • 601 image comments
  • Like 19
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  • Informative 1
  • Fabulous 6
  • Stiffie 33

2,036 images

39 Album Comments



18 hours ago, dmfilmfan said:

One of the Patroness Saints of Gaydom, Mae West.

Loving the expression on Mae's face as she's signing autographs for the boys.


For all the shit dumped on Mae about being a bad influence on the morals of the nation blah blah, she had a charitable side to her and a decency that she chose not to exploit.  Hell, she had her onscreen persona to promote 24/7/365, her whole life.  She wasn't the only person in show business to have a big ego about themselves, career-wise.  And the necklines on both outfits are certainly demure, so she knew how to dress to suit the occasion.     

$500 for her wasn't much I'm sure, but it was a big amount of money for 1940.  When she wrote the letter below, the concentration camps were filled with Jews, Gypsies and others (gays included) being slaughtered and Europe had been at war for almost one year.  Not sure why Mrs. Cummings declined the donation unless Mae "knew more".  Maybe Mrs. C.'s motive was that she wanted to meet Mae, lol.  Perhaps she thought the photo-op would entice other celebrities to open their purses/wallets up and donate.  








What an impressive letter! Thanks for posting.

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Was being shown pictures like this as a kid that made things stir in my underwear.....and not knowing why. Amazingly these shots still get me hard.... I guess I just like cock and ass no matter the decade.......Not going to change that now, why would I? Horny Horny Horny!

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EROTIC does not even begin to cover the feelings one gets viewing this album.  Just pure, unadulterated, sexiness. Ok, maybe not "pure" ... 🙂


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Thanks for the collection. I agree the men hold some intrigue for revealing themselves in the cultural climate of the time. Definitely sexier then, maybe the boy next door quality !!

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I absolutely love this, I can not choose a specific Era or year every image is special to me for differing reasons.

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Wonderful collection--and I haven't even seen it all yet!  I think quite a lot of these photos are actually from the 1960s--which is not at all a bad thing.  The differences between the 1950s and the 1960s in male erotic photography is that in the 1960s you'd see a lot of frontal nudity (as you do here), while in the '50s the guys would almost always be wearing posing straps or, if nude, would be posed in such a way that you wouldn't see dick.  Both decades had their charms! ; )

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I’m loving this album so much more because it’s going to take days and weeks to examine all of it. These pictures are evocative. Thank you.

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On 9/19/2021 at 1:51 AM, Malphos0467 said:

Full bush, big cocks and hot sex was the name of the game back in the day before AIDS.  I always love a man with a bush, none of this shaved bullshit making you look like a pre pubescence teen or child, which for me is not a turn on or attractive.  Give me a man with hair and a big dick, and the fun never ends, the smell and the feel of pubic hair is sexy as fuck.  I was lucky enough to be old enough to experience some of that before AIDS became too widespread.  I hated the 90's, every male porn star had a shaved crotch, balls and asshole, it was just depressing.  Why shave your pubes if you already have a big/huge cock to begin with, it doesn't make any sense.  Thank the Goddess that the newer gay videos are going back to the old ways, bush, bareback and so forth, reminders of the good ol' days!

Amen! You are so right on everything. You wrote my exact feelings, thanks! 

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Amazing collection, thank you for sharing! Is there a way to easily download the entire album? There's a lot of great content here that I haven't seen before

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These men were legends! Pioneers! My type of men. Masculine, a bush you could bury your face in. So much pubic hair, you just want to make into a blanket and wrap yourself in.. a snuggle with the hair nuts. 

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