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Fabian Arnold

Fabian Arnold

Fabulous Fabian – Exclusive Interview by Steve Leonard – PnV Network

Meet Fabian Arnold. Currently living in Australia, he’s originally from Wermelskirchen, a city of 35,000 about 30 km (18.6 miles) northeast of Cologne, Germany.

Interesting fact: Wermelskirchen is home to one of Europe’s biggest live Christmas trees, measuring 26m (85.3 feet).

How did you get into modeling?

When I was 18 years old I got asked by a talent scout at FIBO (the world’s biggest trade show for fitness, wellness and health, based in Cologne, Germany).

From there on I was modeling for a street style photographer in Cologne. That was the reason for me to start with Instagram. Through Instagram I got spotted by DT Model Management!

What brought you to Australia?

After I finished my studies at the university (insurance) I wanted to do my master in sales management in English.

Because my English was not good enough and I wanted to explore the world I went to Australia for a Gap Year! After a couple month I started modeling in Australia as well and stayed in Sydney for almost 9 month!

Do you have a favorite photo shoot?

I think it’s the shooting in Melbourne I had in March 2018. It was my first ‘big’ editorial shooting with a big crew (photographer, art director, stylist, Hair and make-up artist and photo assistant).

The shooting was more like a Country Shooting and I‘m still in love with the pictures!

Do you have a favorite location you were sent to for a job?

I think my favorite location in general is the beach! Because I was modeling in Sydney nearly every shooting was on the beach or close to it.

You’re big into fitness and I assume you have a routine. How do you keep fit when you’re traveling and you don’t have access to a gym?

I started with bodyweight exercises like push ups or pull ups. I train a lot of abs and sometimes I go to the next gym to have a real gym session!

Do you have a favorite guilty pleasure?

Not really 😀

What is your favorite meal?

I love burgers! Sometimes I can’t stop eating a burger! I love it!

Do you have a favorite snack?

I think carrots are my favorite snack! I could eat them all day long!

When you work out, do you have cheat days?

Yes I have cheat days! But it’s not like that I tell myself to cheat once a week. It’s more like when I feel that I need a cheat day I will cheat!

Are you more of a dress up or dress down kind of guy?

I think I’m both in a way! Sometimes I don’t care what I’m wearing and it feels better to be dressed down… But sometimes I love to dress up. So it depends for what it is and who is coming with me.

What are you most comfortable wearing?

Joggers, Sneakers, T-shirt and maybe a sweater.💪🏼

What is your favorite style and brand of underwear?

Do you mean Style of Underwear?! I love Boxers! I think Levi’s or Hollister are my favorite Underwear brands. But I have a lot of Calvin’s as well 😀

What would be your dream campaign?

Calvin Klein!!!!

Are there any photographers you dream of working with?

Not really! I think every photographer has his own style and I appreciate everyone who wants to shoot with me ✌🏼

On your website there’s something called #becomeabetterperson. What is that? Can you tell us a little bit about it?

When I went to Australia I started with self education. I started to got to know myself a bit better. I read a lot of books and heard audiobooks about mindset and focus.

The whole self education thing was so fascinating for me that I wanted to give something to my followers on Instagram. Because I try to be always the best version of myself I started with the hashtag #becomeabetterperson ! Once a week or in two weeks I release a new edition in a caption where I ask my community a question. That can be for example: “Time or money? What is more important for you?!”

“I get so much response that I kept doing it for 5 month now 😉

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