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Friend's Son


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My old friend Mary had divorced and re-married. Her new husband, Chris had two children from his previous marriage - Caroline and Josh. When I first met Chris, Josh, the elder child, was sixteen. Now, although I am married myself, I am bisexual and not often, but sometimes, I can be quite smitten with the looks of a young man. So it was with Josh. From the moment I saw him, I considered him to be one of the most beautiful creatures I'd ever seen: a gorgeously sculptured face with high cheekbones, full lips, rich blue deep eyes and an engaging smile all set off with a mop of light brown curly hair; a slim but well-muscled body that showed he was a keen sportsman and as befitting his age, a slight, but very attractive, air of innocence and vulnerability.


In the few years since I had first met Chris and his children, Josh had grown into a fine figure of a young man, now he was twenty and working his way through university, studying for a science/law degree. If anything, the intervening years had added to his attractiveness: his face had the same sweetness he'd had as a teenager. His body had filled out slightly, so that although he was still slim, his musculature was well developed. What I particularly liked about him was that somehow he still maintained an air of innocence. Also, he moved with a sort of complete animal freedom. He gave the impression of being completely comfortable in - and with - his body. I was sure that with his looks he'd be fighting off the girls and I questioned his father, Chris, who by now had become a good friend, one night over a few beers:


"How's Josh doing at Uni?"


"Oh, he seems to be doing fine", Chris replied. "At least, he doesn't tell me all that much but he seems to be enjoying himself and keeping up with the work".


"And is he finding the attractions of his female fellow-students much of a distraction?" I asked. "No, I don't think so," said Chris, "he doesn't seem all that interested."


"Probably a good thing," I said, "plenty of time for that when his studies are finished."


"That's what I think", agreed Chris, and we got stuck into our beers. It seemed odd to me that Josh would not have a girlfriend at his age. With his looks, could it be that he might be gay? His father Chris, although in many ways an easy-going type, shared many of his contemporaries’ prejudices towards gays and I could well imagine that Josh - if he were gay - would be reluctant to tell his father. On the other hand, it may also have been that he was simply not interested at the moment. He was, after all, still a keen sportsman and played football and cricket as well as golf whenever he could.


So I was left wondering, and I must admit, fantasizing about Josh. Little by little, but inexorably, my sexual fantasies grew more and more to include him. Even when I was fucking my wife, I could close my eyes and imagine that my hard cock was buried not in my wife's tight cunt, but in Josh's tight ass. This image would invariably send me into a wild orgasm, and I would pump and spurt my juice furiously into my wife. There was no way I could act on these fantasies: I couldn't think of any way I could make my feelings known to Josh without causing deep harm not only to him, but also to the valued friendship I had with Chris, his father.


But as the months went by I found myself thinking more and more about him and fantasizing more and more often. We saw Mary and Chris quite often; sometimes at their place, sometimes at ours. We rarely saw Josh at their place; he was generally out with his mates or sometimes at a sporting event. On the rare occasions he was there, any conversation I had with him was short and business-like:


"How's University, Josh?"




"Still enjoying it, then?"




"Still playing footy?"


"Not as often as I'd like."


And off he'd go. I'm sure that he thought of me as just another of his father's boring grown-up friends. As much as I lusted after him, I couldn't help but feel that this was probably the wisest thing - if I made any advances to him I'd stuff too many things up.


One day in the spring Chris rang me up, "Josh seems to be having a bit of difficulty with his physics - d'you think you could give him some help?" As I'm a university academic, in physics, I was happy to oblige a good friend (but of course!) and I agreed to see Josh the coming Friday evening, and work out then how many further tutorials he might need before the summer exams. So on the Friday I drove over, feeling very excited - a whole hour with Josh - but also a bit nervous! Would I be able to keep my feelings to myself? What if I let anything slip out, so to speak, how could I explain it in a way, which didn't frighten or alarm Josh?


I knocked on the door, and after a little while Josh opened it with a cheery grin.


"Oh, hi, come on in!"


The house - normally full of people - seemed strangely quiet. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Oh, they've all gone out for dinner," said Josh. "So it's just you and me."


"Don't need any more than that for a tutorial!" I replied, trying to sound light and non-committal.


In answer Josh grinned at me, and started up the stairs towards his bedroom. He was wearing tight shorts and a t-shirt, and as he climbed the stairs ahead of me I had a perfect sight of his tight ass in his shorts. Just before he reached the top he bent down to scrape something off the carpet, and I imagined myself pulling his shorts down, running my finger down the crack of his ass, licking and rimming his tight hole...with luck he straightened up again and headed for his room before my cock became erect enough to be noticeable.


As we entered his room I commented:


"Anyway, it's nice to see you - I don't think you've been around the last few times we've been here. Your dad tells me you're enjoying life"


"Yeah, it's good - aside from this bloody stuff", said Josh, pointing to his physics text.


"No need to worry!" I pronounced. "By the time I've finished with you you'll be loving it". ("And I'm not talking about physics" said a small voice in my head.)


We sat down and started the tutorial. It was an area in which I'd taught for years, so I was able to demystify things for Josh, and after about half an hour he was getting right into it. At the hour mark he declared himself to be very pleased.


"I never thought I could make any sense of this stuff, but you've made it seem really easy."


"It's just a matter of getting the right angle on it," I replied.


"D'you want to have a cup of coffee?" he asked.


"Oh, well, just to be matey." I answered.


We headed down to the kitchen for coffee and ended up sitting on the couch in the living room with our cups. "So what else are you doing aside from study?" I began. "Well, the cricket season has started, so I'm in training for that."


"What about pleasure - do you go clubbing? Do you have a girlfriend?" I knew I was being bit personal here, but I didn't think he'd mind.


"I don't really like nightclubs much, and no I haven't," was the response.


"I always imagined you'd be fighting them off - a fine looking fellow like you", I said with a slight smile, trying to maintain a light tone in my voice.


"Ah, well, you see..." he began, and then trailed off. He was looking a bit uncomfortable, and had turned slightly away from me.


"What's the matter?" I asked, with genuine concern in my voice. "You can tell me, if you like. I promise you nothing will go beyond us."


He turned back to me, his eyes glistening. His voice seemed to crack a bit as he said: "There's nobody I can speak to about this."


"Whatever it is, have you been to your university's counseling service?" I asked.


"I'd much rather talk to a good and trustworthy friend", he replied, "but there's nobody I can really trust."


"Well, you've known me for a few years now, and I consider all your family as friends."


He looked full at me for a minute, sizing me up. I was facing him with a very serious expression.


"I prefer boys!" he blurted suddenly, and then blushed deeply.


"Hey," I said softly, "that's a big thing to come to terms with. It's not a ‘bad’ thing, but maybe it's not what you had in mind for yourself."


He was crying now, tears streaming down his beautiful cheeks. "I always wanted to please my father, get married and have a family, and now I feel like a real shit."


I went up to him and put my arms around him. "You can still find true love and that's better than trying to please anybody else," I said.


"Do you really think so?" he whispered, looking up at me. He had put his arms around me, and we were locked together on the couch.


"Oh yes," I whispered back, and bent down to kiss him. In spite of my lust for him, all I wanted to do then was to comfort and reassure him, but before I knew it he was kissing me with a passion; his tongue exploring the inside of my mouth, his strong sportsman's arms binding me fast to him, his animal heat enfolding us.


After a minute we broke off and stared at each other. "I don't know what you want from me," I began, "but I've always thought of you as incredibly attractive, and you may as well know that I'm bi."


He put a hand on my shoulder and ran it down my chest and stomach, stopping just above my groin. "Of all my dad's friends," said Josh, "you're the friendliest and sexiest."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing - here was this superb young man, almost saying he was lusting after me - and me being a little over twice his age! For sure, I wasn't in bad shape: I had a good diet and exercised regularly, but then he was twenty, and I was 45.


I stood up, and pulled him up with me, then folded my arms around him again and ran them up his back to his neck, and then down to his ass, running a finger along his crack. "Have you had much experience with other men?" I asked quietly.


"Not much - a little," he replied.


"I've had a bit over the years," I offered, "and I'd be happy to share what I know with you. I know that I could make you feel very happy..." By this stage my mouth was close to his ear, and I gave his earlobe a tiny nuzzle with my teeth. My hands were enfolding his ass-cheeks; my erection was still constrained in my tight underwear; our groins were pressed into each other.


"I'd like that," he said, "I like you and I think I can trust you." So saying he grabbed my hand and pulled me back up the stairs towards his bedroom, which we ran into. I smiled - only a bit more than an hour ago we had entered with the serious intention of having a physics tutorial, and now we were looking at a tutorial of a very different kind! As Josh ran in he pulled off his t-shirt and threw it onto the desk, where it covered his textbook, writing paper, and all the rest of his study paraphernalia. Following his lead I pulled off my own t-shirt, and we stood for a second, admiring each other. What I saw was the splendid hairless chest of a beautiful young man at the very peak of physical excellence - his pecs were well defined without being too large, his arms, though slim, were pleasantly muscular. His body showed an almost feline grace, and he moved with a sensuous fluidity.


We hugged again, this time our bare chests were able to rub together, and as we kissed, I reached down and gently tweaked his nipples. He groaned with delight. "Let's get completely naked,” I suggested.


We pulled off our shorts and underwear. By this stage I felt no need to hide my erection, and my seven inches were straining in Josh's direction. But Josh got a sudden attack of nerves, and turned away from me, his hands covering himself. I went up behind him, and pressed my erection into his ass-crack, while covering his hands with my own. I kissed his neck and his ears, and slowly worked his hands free, then turned him back round. He had a cock, which was as magnificent as the rest of him. Slightly larger than mine, and cut, it jutted out from his pubes above a lovely ball-sac. I fondled it gently with my right hand; grasping the shaft gently and working my hand up and down: at the top rubbing the head gently, and at the bottom cupping his balls.


"Oh god," he moaned, "that feels so good." The pre-cum was leaking out of his cock and spilling over my hand providing some lubrication so that I could grip his cock a bit harder. I could feel his muscles beginning to contract and knew he wasn't far off from cumming. I also knew that he could probably cum at least two or three times, so I quickly knelt down and took his cock in my mouth, running my lips down the shaft and fondling it with my tongue after licking the head. Almost the instant I had fully taken his cock into my mouth he shrieked: "FUCK!" and began to pump stream after stream of hot cum into my mouth. I've got no idea how many shots he made, but there was no way I could swallow it all, and some dribbled out of my mouth onto his thighs. He fell back onto his bed, gasping and sweating. I wiped my mouth, grinning, and lay next to him, fondling and caressing him.


"You know what," I said, "You taste absolutely lovely."


He just looked at me, almost purring with delight. "Can I make you cum too?" he asked anxiously.


"Don't worry about me," I reassured him, "we can keep going for a while yet I hope - when does everybody else get home?"


He glanced at the clock next to his bed. "Not for another two hours at least."


I reached to gently fondle his lovely cock. It had temporarily gone down slightly after his orgasm, but immediately on my touch it sprang to a full erection again. This young man is full of the right stuff, I thought.


As we lay moving on the bed I noticed out of the corner of my eye the telltale shape of a tube of lube half under his pillow. I reached out for it and placed it where I could reach it. Then I moved Josh so that he was facing me and ran my hands over his back, pressing my finger against his ass. This caused our cocks to rub together, and Josh began moaning and writhing against me. I managed to open the tube and to squeeze some onto my index finger, which I pressed against his ass. The lubrication allowed me to push it in a little bit, at which stage I stopped, wondering what Josh's reaction might be. "Oh God. Oh God," he murmured, "don't stop whatever you're doing; it feels so good." With that I slowly pushed my finger all the way into him working it round until I could touch his prostate. Josh was almost beyond speech at this stage, humping back against my finger, trying to push further down. I pulled my finger out and back in, fucking him with it, and feeling his muscles relax while I ran the tip of my finger against his rectal walls. When he seemed fully relaxed I pulled my finger out, squirted more lube on, and gently worked two fingers into him. He was wonderfully tight, yet I could feel his inner sphincter open up to me, and I had no difficulty working these two fingers in and out.


"Josh," I said after some time, "I'd like to fuck you now. I promise I'll be gentle, but I think you're good and ready, and I'm sure you'll like it."


Josh gave me a low growl of assent, and I positioned him so that his knees were on the floor and his arms and head were resting on the bed. This is a favorite position for me: I like to be able to thrust when I'm fucking, and I like to actually see my cock disappear into the tight ass of another hot man. The thought that now I was going to truly fuck Josh's bubble butt made me hotter than I can ever remember being, and I didn't know how long I was going to last. My cock seemed harder and bigger than it had ever been, and I was leaking pre-cum.


I added some more lube to my cock, and knelt behind Josh, putting my cock head right at his ass opening. The moment Josh felt me touch him he tried to pull apart his ass cheeks for me and to push back onto me. "No, honey," I said, "Let me do this, and it won't hurt you." I pushed gently, and my cock head popped into his ass. Josh gave a little gasp, and I told him: "Wait a minute, until it feels OK, and I'll push in a bit more." I just let my cock sit there, while I reached around and grasped his own rod in my lubed hand.


As I worked his cock I could feel his ass relax around my cock and I could push it in a bit more. I looked down at my cock slowly moving into Josh's tight ass, and at his body shaking with lust and delight. It didn't really take long before I was completely in him; my pubes and balls pressing against his ass. Josh was hotter, tighter, and sexier than any man I'd ever been with, and I wanted to last as long as I could. I let him get used to the feeling of a hard cock inside him, and then began to fuck him slowly, pulling a little bit out, and then in again, and with each stroke increasing the amount of movement. Both of us now were beyond the reach of anything but pure lust. Josh was crying: "Oh yes fuck me. Fill me with your hot cock. Oh, yes push it deep into me. Oh, God! Oh, yes don't stop make me cum!!!"


I had no sense of time, but I was close to cumming, and with one last mighty thrust and a cry of "Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" began spurting my hot seed into Josh's hot tight ass. Spurt after spurt after spurt - I'd never cum with this intensity before - every muscle in my body seemed to contract with each spurt as I filled his ass with my juice. And with my first spurt Josh gave a scream, arched his back up, and began to cum - great rivers of his boy-juice which splattered onto the wall behind his bed and fell across his sheets. I'd never seen anybody cum with that volume for the second time.


We both collapsed on the floor, the air saturated with the smell of male sex and our juices. Even though I had just cum with such force, my cock was still hard, and in Josh. I was lying on my back, and he was lying on his back across me, with my arm under his shoulders. He turned his head towards me and we began to kiss, first gently, then with increased passion, until our lips were locked together and our tongues were swirling around together. My cock was now fully hard again, and I began to move slowly and carefully in Josh, using my free hand to grab his semi-hard cock. As it had done before, it came hard again, and he began to echo my thrusts, pushing back onto me as I pushed into him. Amazingly I could feel the stirrings of a second orgasm within me - I hadn't been this randy since I was a teenager! - And I began to pump and thrust with greater force.


Within a few minutes I was beyond the point of no return, and I began to cum again, with a shriek of my own - an orgasm which was even more intense that the first! I could feel my cum spurting out of the end of my cock, which had been sensitized by the first orgasm. And matching me Josh managed to cum for a third time, with less volume than before, but with almost greater force - a thin stream of his cum shot over us and landed on my face, where it ran down my cheek. By turning slightly I could get a bit in my mouth.


There was no way I was capable of anything more, my cock almost immediately went limp, and fell out of Josh's ass, followed by the pent-up cum. Josh's cock took longer to go limp, and we ended up panting and sighing, with our arms around each other, held in a bubble of intimacy and togetherness.


* * * * * *


I gave him several more tutorials after that, and each time it was amazing how the house was empty when I went over. He learned to fuck me, and to give and receive male pleasure. He did very well in his exams, and later on had the courage to come out to his father and Mary. Chris was much more encouraging and supporting than I imagined he would be, as was Mary. Josh ended up moving out, and into a house with his boyfriend, who was a filmmaker and much closer to his own age. They're still together, and very happy with each other.


I see Josh only occasionally at family gatherings, but we email from time to time, and I know we both hold very fond memories of that wonderful springtime.

  • Stiffie 1
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