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L. O. S. T. - When I no longer know whether to laugh or cry


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There are increasingly moments when I think I need a break from the world. 

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether it is satire or whether they really mean it.


Wear a mask! 




This must be true when it's written on Facebook. 😣



First hand knowledge.... 😳


Edited by Tomster
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I don't know what to say Tom except to share  something someone said to me in the early training days at Pan Am. "The sooner you understand that most people are stupid, inconsiderate and rude... the easier your life is going to be!"

I know that it's increasingly difficult  right now because  the people who are supporting Donald Trump seem to think that they have a Carte Blanche to act as horrible as he does. With all that in mind I think it's more important now than ever for the rest of us to hold tight to our humanity, humility and commons sense and walk away from these people. I don't want to cry but it's increasingly more difficult to laugh right now.

DerSpiegel.jpg Edited by Kawika
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I've found this on Stephen King's Twitter page. It’s a break down of certain safety measures taken by certain businesses.



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@Kawika  I couldn't agree with you more. Unfortunately, the number of those who behave in this way has increased in recent years.

(Click to enlarge the image.)

The original title of the 'Der Spiegel' 2020/24 was "Der Feuerteufel: Ein Präsident setzt sein Land in Brand" A more specific translation of the 2nd part is: "A president sets his country on fire". The first part would be literally correct. However, Feuerteufel is rather colloquially used for an arsonist (repeat offender). However, there is also the possibility that there is a subliminal reference to the film The Fire Devil by Luis Trenker. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fire_Devil)

Indeed, the title - no matter how you translate it - reflects how the United States is viewed from the outside. It is difficult enough not to make political remarks (although I do have an opinion on that).

15 hours ago, majikthis said:

Stephen King's Twitter page

I'm one of his followers. 😂

I have no idea where I found this.



@alphacrocy  First of all I would like to welcome you to AdonisMale.

3 hours ago, alphacrocy said:

I think this is where natural selection comes in, don't fight it, just wait a few weeks. Same as anti-vax.

I respect your opinion, whereas it contradicts my personal moral concept when natural selection is used in conjunction with human life.

These people basically expose everyone else to an incalculable risk, while anti-vaxxers almost exclusively put themselves (or their children) at risk. This does not mean for me to stop the fight. 

If I can get even one in a thousand to ponder whether there might be another truth, then it is worth the fight.

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6 hours ago, Tomster said:

when natural selection is used in conjunction with human life

Yes, social darwinism is a pain in the neck. We might as well bring back Sparta's (in)famous Taygetos or the Ubasute, the ancient Japanese custom of geronticide (as in Shichiro Fukazawa's The Ballad of Narayama).

(For the sake of historical accuracy let it be noted that both are myths - historians say these customs were actually never - or hardly ever - performed. Spartan infanticide was actually invented by Plutarch).

My feelings about those gormless anti-mask eejits are best expressed by this sign:


(The owners and operators of Antique Sugar, a vintage shop in Phoenix, Arizona, had just about heard enough from customers complaining about not wanting to wear masks.)

It sounds horrible, but I do wonder how many Trump supporters showing up at rallies and demonstrations will have a very sick or -  horribile dictu - dead elderly relative in the near future. 

The fact that wearing a mask has become a political statement in the US is in itself mindboggling.

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