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Activists Attach Pride Flag To Ukraine’s Motherland Statue


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I wonder why that ugly statue is holding the old Soviet coat of arms. Ukraine suffered greatly under the Soviet regime (forced repatriation of Ukrainians to other parts of the USSR, suppression of the use of Ukrainian language etc. all the way to the Holodomor, the man-made famine of 1932-33 that killed at least 3 million people in Ukraine).

A 2017 poll found that 56% of Ukrainians believed that gay and bisexual individuals should enjoy equal rights. Attitudes are becoming more accepting, in line with worldwide trends. In 2015, the Ukrainian Parliament approved an employment anti-discrimination law covering sexual orientation and gender identity, and in 2016 Ukrainian officials simplified the transition process for transgender people and began allowing gay and bisexual men to donate blood. Ukraine's desire to join the European Union has strongly impacted its approach to LGBT rights. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association has ranked Ukraine 36th out of 49 European countries in terms of LGBT rights legislation, similarly to EU members Lithuania and Romania.

Having said that, the fact is that violence  by  right-wing radical groups  remains  a  sore  issue for  Ukrainian LGBT organizations and individual activists. The situation in this area has not undergone significant changes compared with the few previous years: right-wing radical organizations  do  not  reduce the  rate  of their homophobic aggression, and law enforcement agencies do not take steps to effectively address  this  problem.  Most  high-profile  events  such  as  Equality  Marches are provided with sufficiently  reliable  protection  from  attacks  by  their aggressive  opponents,  but  in  other  cases  the  police  usually  act  very  passively.  Hate  crimes  against  LGBT  people  are investigated ineffectively, offenders  often  avoid  responsibility,  and the motives  of  intolerance  on  grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity are ignored.

Since  the  beginning  of  2019  Ukrainian  legislation  concerning  the  interests  and  rights  of  LGBT  people  has  undergone  no  significant  changes.  The implementation  of  the  LGBTI  components of  the  Action  Plan  on  Human  Rights, the deadline of which had already expired in previous years, moved no farther beyond its stalling point – including amendments to the Criminal Code  that  would  allow  the  consideration  of  homophobic / transphobicmotives   in   the   commission   of   crimes   for   their   proper   qualification, investigation,  and appropriate punishment for the offenders.

The political life of   Ukraine in 2019 was focused on the  presidential  and  parliamentary  elections. LGBT issues have not played any  important  role  in  these  events.  In  2019  Ukrainians  elected the  new  president – Volodymyr Zelenskyi – and the new parliament which appointed the  new  government  headed  by  Oleks  ii  Honcharuk.  Although,  in  general,  the new authorities consist of younger and more modern, less religious and conservative  people  than  their  predecessors,  for  now  this  has  not  led  to their taking real steps in addressing LGBT issues.

(Source: LGBT Human Rights Nash Mir Center - Kyiv, Ukraine. gay.org.ua)


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