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Are there any Trump Supporters on Adonis Male?


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The Only Reason I ask is where I live every Gay person I know is a rabid Trump Supporter.  I would like someone to explain to me the attraction.

Also is there any one on this board that would equate Homophobia with Islamaphobia ?  If it is possible to have a rational conversation about this I would like to try.

I believe that the positions of those of  the far Left May Doom the chances of regaining the White House for The Democrats. I would like to take the political temperature

Of the room without causing any offence if I may. 🙂

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I don't know where you live... but of all the gay people I know in Honolulu, LA and NYC and elsewhere... I don't know of a single gay person supporting DT.

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I pondered before weighing in here - four years ago, my conventional wisdom told me that no Democrat, no woman, no person of colour, nor any gay person would support frump. incredibly, my precinct returned 58% for grump. I was bumfuzzled until I discussed it with another who explained that all the capitalists and rich people in the exclusive neighborhood down the road voted for him because he was NOT HILLARY. :wow: - I voted for Hillary because she was not [expletive deleted]. apparently I am out of touch with society at large. whatever. I have reached an age wherein I am happy that I won't live long enough to put up with this political bullfish much longer. in the mean time, having voted Republican since 1968, I re-registered as a Democrat to support Pete Buttigieg, and I hope to attract others to do the same.

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2 minutes ago, duck said:

How do you feel about sanders?

I'm not going to get drawn into too much more political discussion on this site because it's not why I come here; I have other venues on the www... but in a nut shell here is where I stand...

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8 minutes ago, Kawika said:

I'm not going to get drawn into too much more political discussion on this site because it's not why I come here; I have other venues on the www... but in a nut shell here is where I stand...


That is all well and good but what good is there in having a discussion board if you don't use it because discussion boards exist in other places.

It has been said that the democrats have never lost an opportunity to lose an opportunity. Another popular adage is that Democrats favorite pastime

is forming circular firing squads.

Time and Time again I have seen the same scenario play out. The Democrats play a losing game of Whack a Mole With Trump and

then the Republicans run away with all the cookies from the cookie jar when no one is looking.

I am made to wonder what happens when there are no more cookies Left.

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Sadly there are gay supporters of Trump. Racism is universal.

Thankfully living in San Francisco I don't have the problem of running into them. But you'd be surprised how much gay "heartlanders" can be more heartland than gay.

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1 hour ago, titbug said:

Sadly there are gay supporters of Trump. Racism is universal.

Thankfully living in San Francisco I don't have the problem of running into them. But you'd be surprised how much gay "heartlanders" can be more heartland than gay.

No I would not 😞 

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I don't often visit the website, but this conversation got me fired up.  I support Trump.  Yes, I know he's a buffon and he's also made a lot of personal mistakes.  BUT, consider this

1.  He's been great for my investment accounts and the economy 

2.  He's attacked China, so they stop stealing our trade secrets.  (For anyone who works for a multi-national, you know this is a long and ongoing problem that Chinese have taken advantage of)

3.  He's lowered corporate taxes so they're in line with the rest of the world

4.  He's against illegal immigration, which I want to emphasize is not the same as cutting off LEGAL immigration.  Americans deserve to control the flow of people in and out of our country, and I don't care of you're black or brown or purple or green, but you're not allowed to simply move wherever the hell you want.  I don't think we need a literal wall, but I do believe in a strong and comprehensive migration reform that allows talented workers to continue to come ot America while keeping out indigents.  


I don't believe in paying for everyone's medical bills (take care of your own health!).  I don't believe in paying for your child's student loans because they couldn't get a job with their chosen major.  I don't believe in paying for other countries wars.  If the socialist wing of the Democrats become a presidential contender, then you bet I'm sending Trump my vote again. 

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Hi @InevitableDreamer

You are certainly biting off quite a tsunami in posting, but good on you.


4 hours ago, InevitableDreamer said:

1.  He's been great for my investment accounts and the economy 

May I gently and respectfully suggest that there were green shoots emerging from within the USA prior to the election.

He is just claiming them as his.

One thing you do need to appreciate about this POTUS is his insistence than firms that have gone off-shore to find slave labour will be taxed upon returning products back to the USA.

I don't have a lot of doubt that USA has been on the receiving end of that one for decades.


Edited by Cool_a
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5 hours ago, InevitableDreamer said:

I don't often visit the website, but this conversation got me fired up.  I support Trump.  Yes, I know he's a buffon and he's also made a lot of personal mistakes.  BUT, consider this

1.  He's been great for my investment accounts and the economy 

2.  He's attacked China, so they stop stealing our trade secrets.  (For anyone who works for a multi-national, you know this is a long and ongoing problem that Chinese have taken advantage of)

3.  He's lowered corporate taxes so they're in line with the rest of the world

4.  He's against illegal immigration, which I want to emphasize is not the same as cutting off LEGAL immigration.  Americans deserve to control the flow of people in and out of our country, and I don't care of you're black or brown or purple or green, but you're not allowed to simply move wherever the hell you want.  I don't think we need a literal wall, but I do believe in a strong and comprehensive migration reform that allows talented workers to continue to come ot America while keeping out indigents.  


I don't believe in paying for everyone's medical bills (take care of your own health!).  I don't believe in paying for your child's student loans because they couldn't get a job with their chosen major.  I don't believe in paying for other countries wars.  If the socialist wing of the Democrats become a presidential contender, then you bet I'm sending Trump my vote again. 

Thank you for your response. It is direct.

In your reply I zeroed in on your investment account. Investments accounts are nice. How kind has the Trump economy been to you? If one may ask.

I don't have an investment account so I do not know how the other half lives. I have noticed that food prices have gone through the roof. This is concerning to me. 

"I don't believe in paying for everyone's medical bills (take care of your own health!)." I do take extreme exception to this statement. Recently I went to the ER and came out with a $2000

Bill. I have insurance why do I have this bill. It seems the Hospital is in network  but the Doctor is not. Health insurance is not like Car insurance. I think very few of us would be able to afford

car insurance if the value of cars kept increasing at an unsustainable rate. Build a car that's Capitalism. Build a Road that Communism.

I think deep down I am motivated by the concept of the Common Good. I do not believe that the Common good is served by the Status quo.

What after all is any man Just a giant petri dish. I know that you believe that Some people are better than other people and therefore Some are more deserving

of more tender Care from the Health Care Community. But I believe each petri dish is the same. Endowed with the same vulnerabilities and Susceptible to the same pathogens.

As a society we expect our citizens to take care of those things that we can take care of. We come together as a whole to pay for things that individual can not be expected to pay for.

For those things we Pay Taxes. To build roads, power plants, police protection. Why is Heath Care not in that Mix?

I do not Know why democrats cannot explain this adequately. I must fall back on the old adage. "Democrats have no Ideas and Republicans only have Bad Ones."

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On 2/23/2020 at 3:18 PM, ColtMann said:

I was bumfuzzled until I discussed it with another who explained that all the capitalists and rich people in the exclusive neighborhood down the road voted for him because he was NOT HILLARY. :wow: 


Well, while I am not American, it is interesting the amount of diffusive commentary there is in the USA.

My understanding is that it was a combination of things.

Frustration from a lack of employment, (unemployed), the promise to return the constitution to conservative vales, (religion), illegal immigration, and the concept of draining the swamp amongst other things.

Apparently, those who support Trump do not listen to the man, they listen to his message. 


Edited by Cool_a
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4 hours ago, Cool_a said:


Well, while I am not American, it is interesting the amount of diffusive commentary there is in the USA.

My understanding is that it was a combination of things.

Frustration from a lack of employment, (unemployed), the promise to return the constitution to conservative vales, (religion), illegal immigration, and the concept of draining the swamp amongst other things.

Apparently, those who support Trump do not listen to the man, they listen to his message. 


I am afraid it is worse than that. These are people who believe that the democratic party has abandoned them for minorities. I think it is a little more complex

than that. I think the republican go around setting fires and count themselves hero's when they pull the fire alarm. Unfortunately they are not so heroic when it comes to putting

out the fire. Even more unfortunate the Democrats are not so competent at putting them out either.

What the Republicans have managed to do is hallow out the center of America. The real Faultline  in America is Between The Urban and The Rural. Until we are able to institute one man one vote

policies The Government will continue to be a Minority Government.

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I will observe though, when you watch Fox News, it is terrifying to think the man who leads the free world thinks its credible.


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I am actually not surprised that there is barely a breeze, let alone a tsunami, about InevitableDreamer admitting he is a Trump supporter.

First, because frankly we are all tired. Everything that could be said has been said. If after the past four years and all that has happened, you STILL choose to be supportive of Trump, there is nothing else that can be said to you. Whatever motive they have is not rational and will not respond to either logic and considerate arguments, let alone vituperative condemnation.

And I think a lot of us have figured out how much modern Republican Party and Trumpism in particular feeds on victimhood, real or most often completely imaginary, on one hand and on conflict and antagonizing "liberals" on the other. This is what they crave and thrive on.
So I don't even engage anymore. Because there will always be an unending rabbit hole of false facts to debunk OR, better yet, the reaction will be to scream about being victimized and ganged up on and how intolerant liberals are.
The best way to fight back is to focus on what matters: doing what we can to minimize the damage that is being done to our country, our institutions and millions of fellow human beings for now and then take back what we can as soon as we can.
The rest is between the folks who support Trump, their conscience and the future judgement of their children and grandchildren.

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14 hours ago, titbug said:

doing what we can to minimize the damage that is being done to our country, our institutions


I always thought that Trump would just be a moment in history, but who would of thought he would attack allies of the Western world, while embracing cruel dictatorships.

I honestly don't think USA will be forgiven for what was done to the Kurds. The Middle East will never trust the USA again.


It demonstrates to me, democracies are not necessarily safe.

The concept of Presidential pardons for those that violate USA's constitution is a new low, only Trump's allies of course.


Apparently the FBI, CIA etc are just pawns of poison. The Department of Justice isn't what you might think. They now act soley as Trump's defence team.

How can one man destroy the reputation of the world leader, USA.


The members of Congress swore an oath to God. Let's throw that out of the window as well.


Narcissism is a fascinating personality disorder.

It is, of course, a trait of the world's cruelest dictators throughout history. An iron grip over a population without an ounce of remorse.

A good example of how it can partially exist within a democracy, a working example playing out right in front of us, as we speak.



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I've been hesitant to quip in, as I don't live in the US. I hail from a country (Hungary) where our prime minister Orbán has managed to build,  in the heart of the EU, a (Russian style) autocracy T/Rump can only dream about. Interestingly (or perhaps not - we live in an age of populism)  there a lot of similarities between your T/Rump's and our Orbán 's rhetoric (frequent reference to "Christian values" whatever they may be, xenophobia, homophobia, thinly veiled racism, opposition=enemies of the nation, dissent=traitors), their disregard for human and civil rights, or their desire for absolute power (and their bromance with Putin).  While that could never happen in the US (your democratic traditions and institutions are way too resilient for that), Hungary unfortunately is a good illustration to see what could happen if a populist leader had free rein. Today the country is what a columnist called a "democratorship". A de jure democracy (a Potemkin facade of hollowed-out trappings of democracy), but a de facto dictatorship.

I  watch CNN regularly and try to read up on what's going on in the US, and it seems to me that there are similarities in their (T/Rump's and Orbán's) policies as well. Both economies are doing rather well, but people in the lower strata of society don't really feel it. Unemployment is at an historic low in both countries, but - at least in Hungary - most new jobs are usually fairly low-paid factory jobs offered by multinational companies (Mercedes, Audi , Opel, Siemens, Suzuki, Hankook etc.). This means, among other things, that eg. the looming decline in the German automotive industry might result in closures and people losing their jobs. (In fact our govt. seems to love multinational companies and ignoring Hungarian-owned small and medium enterprises). Both leaders implement measures that benefit the upper classes, while leaving everybody else behind.

Immigration - I believe nobody in their right mind would favour illegal over legal immigration. The question is what to do with illegal immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees. For a government that incessantly speaks about Christian values both T/Rump and Orbán treat illegal immigrants rather harshly. The Hungarian govt. has lost at least 15 cases at the ECHR for denying food and health care for illegal immigrants - mostly minors and women - held  in the transit zone on the Hungarian border, and for separating minors from their caretakers.

Health care: As far as I know, most European countries have some form of public health care (like the NHS in the UK), and it usually works fairly well. A certain percentage of your gross wage (in Hungary it is 8.5%) is deducted (sorry, I am not familiar with the English  terminology) for health care, and for this you have the whole shebang from your GP to hospital care and complex treatments for "free". If you want more, you can always have private health insurance. While this might seem unfair to those who earn more ("Why would I pay for somebody else's medical bill?"), there is such a thing as solidarity (even your car insurance is based on this principle). Hodie mihi, cras tibi.

Sorry for ranting on. A few remarks and questions and I'm done.

On 2/24/2020 at 9:13 AM, duck said:

I am afraid it is worse than that. These are people who believe that the democratic party has abandoned them for minorities.

It is the same in the EU. A surprisingly large percentage of the working class votes for leaders like B. Johnson, Salvini, Le Pen or Orbán because they feel (and not entirely unjustly) that the traditional liberal/left wing parties have left them hanging.

14 hours ago, titbug said:

I am actually not surprised that there is barely a breeze, let alone a tsunami, about InevitableDreamer admitting he is a Trump supporter.

First, because frankly we are all tired.

Again, it is the same in the EU - there is an political apathy that is hard to combat. Specific issues (like the yellow vest protests in France, or Brexit in the UK) might stir people up for a short time, but the general populace seem not to care about politics.


Why on earth don't you people change that silly electoral system? I understand the Constitution is sacrosanct for most Americans, but this electoral thingy is obsolete and not exactly fair.

Does T/Rump's rhetoric of "socialists" grabbing power really scare people? I mean it is an outdated threat even here in the former Soviet bloc, and we  lived through 40 years of "socialism". And in Europe Bernie Sanders would count as a moderate social democrat, not a socialist. 

Do you think Mayor Pete has a chance? And do you think the US is ready for an openly gay president?


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It is certainly a conversation that has the ability to raise passion.

People from other parts of the world can see it, but from within USA itself, the information would appear to get diffused to the point of fog.

Who has ever heard of people being paid to stand behind him and cheer during his rallies.

One expects Russia could well win the American election, again.

Americans won't even realise it, given how they have been repeatedly warned.


He can't leave the presidency, amongst other things there is a bunch of woman waiting to explore his "I walk up to woman and grab them by the pussies" statements.

One could ponder, if prison is all that awaits him, why not start WW III.

A great distraction and deflection.

Narcissism is certainly a fascinating personality disorder.


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Graydon Carter, former editor of Vanity Fair, wrote the following in a November 2016 issue of the magazine.  He expressed how I feel perfectly.  The problem isn't just Trump; it's America and Trump.

  • Only in America could a serial bankrupt pass himself off as a successful businessman. (And almost none of those he bankrupted were even regular businesses. They were casinos—where people essentially come to lose their money.)

  • Only in America could a man who offended Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, and African-Americans, as well as women, babies, and the handicapped, become the Republican nominee for president.

  • Only in America could a man for whom truth is an inconvenient concept feel comfortable referring to his opponent as “lying” and “crooked.”

  • Only in America, a nation built on a history of immigration, could a man who married two immigrants—one of whom is alleged to have worked illegally when she first arrived—run on an anti-immigration platform.

  • Only in America could a man with a legendary reputation for stiffing small-business owners and wage laborers be able to pass himself off as a champion of the little guy.

  • Only in America could a man run for the presidency with one of his heralded accomplishments being the fixing of a skating rink in New York’s Central Park, a job the city had bungled for years. (It’s a feat most backyard rink rats in Canada pull off before their 13th birthday.)

  • Only in America could a man who brags about groping and kissing women without their consent win 53 percent of the vote among white women.

  • Only in America could a man who avoided the draft—with a deferment for pesky bone spurs on his feet, which somehow did not hinder him from playing tennis—and who insulted war heroes and their families become the commander in chief of the greatest military power on earth.

  • Only in America could a man who lashed out over the flimsiest of slights become our chief negotiator with the Russians, the Chinese, and the North Koreans.

  • Only in America could a man whose staff reportedly took away his Twitter account because he couldn’t control himself be given the nuclear codes. (Thank you, President Obama, for pointing out that one.)

  • Only in America could a man with a negligible record of charitable giving and not a single day’s experience in public life be raised to the highest public office in the land.

  • Only in America could a man who kept a volume of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside rule over the second-largest Jewish population in the world.

  • Only in America could a man whose résumé of failed businesses and alleged sexual harassment is so miserable that he would have trouble finding work at a copy shop be named chief executive of the world’s largest economy.

  • Only in America could a man who has skirted the law for more than four decades be put in charge of choosing new justices for the nation’s highest court.

  • Only in America could a man whose foreign-affairs experience consists of negotiating deals for hotels and golf courses—and perhaps arranging for investments by Russians—become the most powerful man on the planet. (And at a very perilous time.)

  • Only in America could a man who has likely paid no federal taxes for nearly two decades, and who refused to release his tax returns, be put in charge of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service.

  • Only in America could a man who thinks climate change is a hoax, and something invented by the Chinese, be put in charge of not only the Environmental Protection Agency but also our negotiations with other nations—at the most calamitous environmental period in the earth’s modern history.

  • Only in America could a man who surrounded himself with political second-raters like Rudolph Giuliani and Chris Christie be put in charge of forming the team to run the next U.S. government.

  • Only in America could a man who earned the contempt of his Republican rivals for being a con man and a fraud—and who implicated the father of one of his rivals in John F. Kennedy’s assassination—ultimately reap the support of those very same rivals.

  • Only in America could a man who threatened to throw his opponent in jail and to sue the women who have accused him of sexual harassment, who denigrated the judge who will preside over the trial of his bogus university (because the judge is of Mexican heritage), and who has 75 outstanding lawsuits (including two for fraud) be put in charge of the Justice Department.

  • Only in America could a man who does not understand the separation of powers, and who has advocated for the use of torture regardless of national and international law, be thought prepared to swear an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

  • Only in America could a man whose primary national exposure was appearing on a reality-TV show become the reality that so much of the world feared.

             Do not tell me America is no longer a land of opportunity.

Edited by shyguy3362
typing error
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  • 1 month later...
On 2/23/2020 at 9:01 PM, InevitableDreamer said:

He's been great for my investment accounts

I am also very pleased with my investment accounts. I'm just wondering why the trend, which has been going on for more than 10 years, is attributable to DT. The same can be said when I look at the economy. 

On 2/26/2020 at 10:40 PM, majikthis said:

While this might seem unfair to those who earn more ("Why would I pay for somebody else's medical bill?"), there is such a thing as solidarity (even your car insurance is based on this principle).

Frankly speaking, I have only had private health insurance for many years and therefore do not pay anything into the public one. However, the solidarity principle applies here as with any other insurance. From the beginning of next month I will be contributing to Medicare (2.5 % of my gross income as far as I know) without being able to benefit from it myself. That's fine. 

I think one of the biggest problems of our time is the increasing egoism. 

On 2/24/2020 at 3:47 AM, duck said:

Recently I went to the ER and came out with a $2000


Put a 1 in front, that was the amount of my bill when I was taken to a Chicago hospital after a collapse. They insisted on various examinations, although the reason was obvious. 

As far as I know, the USA has the highest health costs per capita. 

I would never support Trump. Almost everything he or his administration stands for is contrary to my own position. 

The United States have lost reputation since he took office. This is what I see. 


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