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Juan Hortoneda


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Juan Hortoneda got into modeling at a very young age. He and his twin brother Cesar were born in Madrid, Spain, and early on certain photographers saw opportunities to do modeling with them. At the age of 5, Juan along with his twin brother had a photoshoot when a photographer saw them out in the street. That’s how their careers began, and they’ve been at it ever since.
Modeling career
When it comes to why Juan keeps up with the industry, he says that he really enjoys working with his twin brother Cesar. That’s one of the main reasons why he does it, but there are other factors at play as well. He says that Cesar and he love meeting new people. They also love to travel and explore new cities, languages, cultures, etc.
Something that they are both very proud of was working for Mario Testino and Bruce Weber. Working with great photographers is really important for them, and they put an emphasis on the fact that they like it when their photos actually turn out amazing. They aren’t just in it for the money, they’re in it for the art of photography too.
Juan has worked for many prominent underwear brands, as this is actually the main thing that he promotes with his twin. They are usually seen wearing low-cut skimpy underwear or boxer briefs coming from a wide array of manufacturers. You have big names in their portfolio such as Mango, Givenchy, Elio Berhanyer, Roberto Torrentta and even some prominent magazines such as Fashionably Male. Juan mostly works in Europe, though he has modeled in Asia and Brazil as well.
Health and fitness

Juan has been hitting the gym with his twin brother for years now, which is how he achieves his chiseled and muscular physique. The gym isn’t the only thing that Juan does activity-wise. He also loves playing football, basketball, and even tennis. His twin brother likes similar but also several different sports too. Healthy eating is also a priority for Juan, so he always has a nice variety of meat and vegetables in his meals, but sometimes he takes a bit out of chocolate which is his guilty pleasure.

 Personal life
Juan says that his brother is like his best friend. He doesn’t do any photoshoot without him, and that’s why you’ll always see them in pairs whenever an important project is at hand. This love for one another was what inspired and attracted many photographers to work with Juan and his brother in the past, and it’s something that keeps driving home the narrative of their twin bond being so unique in the business.
Having a twin brother working with you in all photo sets might seem strange for some people, but as Juan says, not many people actually understand the bond that twins have for each other. Cesar and he have been inseparable since birth and they continue to shoot amazing photoshoots together for various underwear brands.

Social media

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juan_hortoneda/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Public-Figure/Cesar-Juan-Hortoneda-181437905212364/

(AdonisMale Biography added by the website, not by the original poster)

Juan Hortoneda (1).jpg Juan Hortoneda (2).jpg Juan Hortoneda (3).jpg Juan Hortoneda (4).jpg Juan Hortoneda (5).jpg Juan Hortoneda (6).jpg Juan Hortoneda (7).jpg Juan Hortoneda (8).jpg Juan Hortoneda (9).jpg Juan Hortoneda (10).jpg Juan Hortoneda (11).jpg Juan Hortoneda (12).jpg

Edited by Steve
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