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Hey there everyone.


The news that stunned the world.



I am curious what our global based membership have to say about the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.


I will share my opinion further down in the chat, so as to not steer the conversation from the the word go.






What do you think ?




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We were watching the coverage on Sky News last night and just couldn't believe that the vote turned out that way! Makes things scarier here in the states... will the Republicans (conservatives) get Trump elected!


Who wants to house a couple of boys in a more civilized country if Trump becomes president? :thinking-006:

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While I think it will be worse for the UK (especially prompting Scotland and possibly even Northern Ireland to secede), UK has never been 100% in the EU. It has always sought special exemptions and never fully committed to the concept of a united Europe. The bigger issue will be whether or not other right wing/nationalist movements will be emboldened to further erode European unity. It would be disastrous in light of Russia's increasing expansionist tendencies. :(

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Interesting to note that the regions that voted most strongly for "Stay" are those which have been dominated by London for eons. It appears, as others have mentioned, that two of those regions (Scotland and Northern Ireland) might end up holding referendums on secession from London's domination in order to continue their domination from Brussels. Or is it that the folks in those regions are more community-minded than the English? :JC-thinking:

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While I think it will be worse for the UK (especially prompting Scotland and possibly even Northern Ireland to secede), UK has never been 100% in the EU. It has always sought special exemptions and never fully committed to the concept of a united Europe. The bigger issue will be whether or not other right wing/nationalist movements will be emboldened to further erode European unity. It would be disastrous in light of Russia's increasing expansionist tendencies. :(

That's also what I was thinking, Good Ol' TR.

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Interesting to note that the regions that voted most strongly for "Stay" are those which have been dominated by London for eons. It appears, as others have mentioned, that two of those regions (Scotland and Northern Ireland) might end up holding referendums on secession from London's domination in order to continue their domination from Brussels. Or is it that the folks in those regions are more community-minded than the English? :JC-thinking:


I don't think it is a matter of being dominated by London (and certainly not dominated by Brussels, since the EU central government is very weak and the EU government is elected and representative of all member states). I think desire of Scotland and Northern Ireland to remain in the EU is a reflection of them not being English and not giving in to the English xenophobia. I believe that the English tend to have a sense of superiority when it comes to the UK and it is that sense which has fueled the xenophobia. I think those Northern Ireland and Scotland view membership in the EU as a way of preserving their culture. London's vote isn't all that surprising, since it is multicultural.


The UK is going to have a real hard time if they expel all the EU workers who have been providing much of the trade services (plumbers, electricians, etc...) over the years.

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It is certainly an interesting outcome isn't it.

It would seem that a protest vote against politicians in general, has led to the UK leaving the biggest free trade agreement they will ever have the opportunity to engage in.

Especially as it was with their largest and closest export market.

This outcome could certainly spell the end for the concept of the United Kingdom.

What is done, would seen to be done.

Although, philosophically speaking, does it matter if the United Kingdom was to split apart ?

Just because England has strived to control Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all these years, doesn't mean these other countries shouldn't be free to pursue independence.

The fascinating thing, is that it is the English voters which have now set these potential chain of events in motion.

Who would have ever thought that.


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At first, I would be interested in the opinion/reasoning of the member whoever voted for "left the European Union". Would maybe give this discussion another arguments. :)


Personally, I would have welcomed a "Remain" result very much.


I am afraid that the UK leave will destroy the little trust that has come back to the EU and the Euro since 2007/crisis with Greece.


When I went to bed right after the polling stations had closed, I was first reassured that Bremain could win over Brexit since the polls told that 52% of the voters had voted for remain. When I got up, I was shocked.


I have the slight feeling many elderly people mourn after the glorious times of the UK. But unfortunately these times are gone for most of the countries. It's not the EU fault. On the other Hand I am aware that not all Details are perfect in the EU regulations but I simply love the possibilities in the EU a lot. I have grown up in Belgium, studied in Germany and the Netherlands, worked in Germany and am now also living in Germany.


If other countries use these dynamics for a similar vote in their countries, I am afraid it will destroy the EU.


But I hope that politics will use this possibility to Reform a few parts of the EU.

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I believe we have enough level heads in this country to prevent a Trumping of American values. Trump is being opportunistic. Most traditional Republicans realize Trump will say whatever, depending on the crowd he is playing to. He is not a conservative. He is not a fundamentalist Christian. He is personality. Even when it comes to business, his track record is not stellar. He inherited much from his father. The rest he tends to earn as a result of others' misfortune.

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Brexit is certainly going to present problems to whoever ends up the next Prime Minister of the UK.

So many vague promises made that in the light of day will be impossible to implement.

If immigration was the key driver, then how does the UK re-enter into EU trade while one of the requirements is free access for workers ?

As for the "We send the EU £350 million a week, let's fund our NHS instead" statements - it just isn't realistic.



One headline I've read is that "UK politics got drunk this week and needs to go home".


Probably so.




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Most likely Britain is going to end up "leaving" the EU, but still signing onto pretty much every EU regulation in order to continue to have free access to trade. They've cost themselves a voice at the table for making decisions, and a good bit of money when the financial sector shifts to another country, besides that probably not much will change policy-wise.

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