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Pietro Boselli


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On 12/5/2020 at 6:22 PM, robertrolwing said:

where's the PENIS and balls and rearhole...

Some models choose not to pose for explicit photos, or at least not allow such images to be published.  Obviously, it's their right to make that choice, not mine nor yours.  To borrow a slogan from the women's reproductive rights community, "Their bodies, their choice."  They're under no obligation to indulge our curiosity.  AM has plenty of fully nude images of innumerable other models where we can indulge our prurient interests.  

Edited by JackFTwist
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15 hours ago, robertrolwing said:


Being a photographer, I've worked with fitness models pretty much exclusively for the last several years. All of them have done nudes of some sort. It really is up to the photographer, model and his agent as to whether it is beneficial career-wise to publish them. It used to be frontal of any kind was prohibited for men. The rules are much more relaxed. Nudes can be very damaging to a career, even today. I rep some guys as well and I am always looking on sites, including this one, to see if anything has been posted. We all have to remember models are an investment. Someone has put time. effort, reputation and yes,  money into a guy to promote him to the point he makes substantial income. That makes everything about him including  his reputation a valuable asset to be protected. I vigorously protect my guys.

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On 12/6/2020 at 10:15 AM, 1EYEDjack said:

Being a photographer, I've worked with fitness models pretty much exclusively for the last several years. All of them have done nudes of some sort. It really is up to the photographer, model and his agent as to whether it is beneficial career-wise to publish them. It used to be frontal of any kind was prohibited for men. The rules are much more relaxed. Nudes can be very damaging to a career, even today. I rep some guys as well and I am always looking on sites, including this one, to see if anything has been posted. We all have to remember models are an investment. Someone has put time. effort, reputation and yes,  money into a guy to promote him to the point he makes substantial income. That makes everything about him including  his reputation a valuable asset to be protected. I vigorously protect my guys.

@1EYEDjack : Genuine thanks for your valuable professional perspective on this matter.  Another AM member who did some professional modeling in the past made similar observations about the potential damage to a model's career.

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On 12/6/2020 at 2:11 PM, robertrolwing said:

nothing is wrong because when one loves to look at full-frontal nude men

I agree completely, and AM has hundreds, maybe even thousands, of other forum topics and gallery albums where we can indulge our mutual interest in looking at images of nude men.  But this topic on Pietro Boselli and many of the other topics focusing on professional models are much less likely to show nudity, for the reasons @1EYEDjack's post above explained.  There are a few exceptions, like Trevor Adams and Davide Zongoli.

On 12/6/2020 at 2:11 PM, robertrolwing said:

STOP the judging & shaming

Perhaps you should follow your own advice and stop posting complaints like your original 12/5/2020 post (before you deleted it):  "where's the PENIS and balls and rearhole"

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest bpguy
1 hour ago, robertrolwing said:

is there the photo of Pietro squating-sitting with his cock out and no star blocking it? thank you

There is a scan available but I have no clue what the star is supposed to cover, there is not much to see unfortunately


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