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NBC's trying something new


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Starting in January, on Thursday nights, NBC is bringing back something close to Must See TV


As we all know, that was 4 sitcoms from 8pm - 10pm, and then the powerhouse ER from 10 - 11

In January NBC will broadcast 6 half hour comedies from 8pm - 11pm



Perfect Couples


Parks and Rec

30 Rock



How intriguing!!!

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I must confess, I'm not much of a television watcher. In fact, I've never seen any of these shows and have only even heard of some of them. :blush:


When NBC had "must-see" TV night before, was it successful? I guess they're trying to regain some of the audience they've lost to other broadcasters...? :JC-thinking:


Well, I wish them luck. Without the Big Three striving so hard during the 1950s in the U.S., North Americans wouldn't have anywhere near the variety and quality of programming that is now available to us. :eusa_clap:


You're right, Marjor1, it is intriguing! :goodpost7tdls2:

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Im the only one calling it "Must See TV" again... at least for now...


It was very successful...

NBC ruled Thursday forever (even pre-Friends... remember the Cosby Show?!)

Fox had the Simpsons, which dethroned Cosby Show in the 5th season for the number 1 show in that time slot, but NBC still stayed number one

then stupid Survivor came about and CSI

and ABC NEVER had a hand in Thursday nights (Push, Nevada... Crumbs...) UNTIL they saw the weakness CBS made in NBC and they put in its then powerhouses Ugly Betty/Greys Anatomy back in 07... smart choice ABC

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Yes, I do remember the Cosby Show. I didn't rush home to see it or anything, but if I was at home and had no one -- er, I mean -- had "nothing" better to do, I'd watch it and enjoy it. :)


Didn't care for the Simpsons when it first arrived. It seemed like a lot of adults acting like poorly-mannered children just for the sake of it. I think it's matured (or my attitude has changed for some reason), as I've seen more recent episodes where there was actually some brilliance behind the behaviour. Maybe my imagination has just gotten better. :JC-thinking:


Never liked Survivor, either. If they took your cue and renamed it "Stupid Survivor," it would be a more apt title. Although I've never watched an episode, I've seen the "previews" and been exposed to the hype. Like the Simpsons' early days, it again seems to focus on adults acting like poorly-mannered children for no useful reason. Except, I guess, for ratings. Maybe that's what people want to see. Not me, I prefer intelligent programming. (At least, that's what I like to tell myself...) :blush:


CSI, when it started, was fresh, informative and intelligent. It's lost some of its edge over the years, and its different flavours (Miami and NY) aren't nearly as entertaining. (I'm sure David Caruso fans will disagree with me on that one, but I find his character patronizing, unfoundedly egotistical and annoying.) The original is still the best of show to me. :respect-040:


Push, Nevada, Crumbs...I've never even heard of those, so I can see why you pretty much dismiss them as serious fare. I've heard of Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy though, once again, I've never seen them. I do know they're pretty popular, though. -_-


I'm sorry, I should probably just clam up. It's probably frustrating for you to try to have a conversation about television programming with someone who has so little familiarity with it. I'll make room for those "in the know" now. :rr:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest jonbcguy

Actually I think it will work, I like 4 out of the six, so it will keep me for at least 2 and half hours and not switch to other channels.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest arthottie86

I like the NBC lineup. It's got its powerhouse comedies in there, but I think the startups (Community, Outsourced) are also hitting a stride so it will be interesting for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Outsourced isn't clever enough for that line up. Not clever enough by a mile!

Edited by himikolegend
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  • 2 weeks later...

Burnout, have you seen Fringe's new ads - they directly reference their death slot...

It's funny and witty


I might have to bite my tongue next time because Fringe is kicking ass in its Friday time slot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay! Good news for Fringe then. I haven't started the new season yet -but If its doing well that means we'll get a fourth right?!

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