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Samudrika Shastra...The Ancient Wisdom of Human Body Analysis
anthonyblakely041 posted a blog entry in Superhero men & Warriors
Samudrika Shastra Samudrika Shastra: Hand & Feet Reading Wnen I am going to do a Samudrika reading online, I request that the guy send several pics of the veins on his hands and tops of his feet so I can really see the patterns of veins on these parts. It is very important. Those patterns usually are shaped like the symbols on the Samudrika or Runic chart. Then I can illustrate what the symbolic shape of the veins mean or represent to that person. Paydro Coyle must have read one of my Samudrika postings, because the other day, he posted up pics showing both the veins on his feet and hands. He made sure his pics capture the veins on his hands and feet, perfectly.When I saw these pics. I was so excited because the pictures were just perfectly displayed and an example for anyone who wanted a reading from me. I placed his pics below just in case, people want a reading. Remember reading are emailed so make sure you place your email address and each reading is $55USD which is paid through "PayPal." This is Taurique Of course you know that Tairuque is my Italian husband and this is how I met him by reading his feet and he allowed it because he thought that it was interesting. So, I am going to take you through what I saw from him about him from the formation of veins on his tops and sides of his feet. On his right foot there was a vein like this moving Earth Worm and vein like a F. In Samudrika this symbol means "no direction" or "Flexibilty. The "S" like symbol in Runic system is shown below: meaning Success. Sensuality. Wholeness. Lifeforce. Victory. To get a closer idea, look at the pics below: With these characteristics, Taurique sounds like a Leo astrologically, but he isn't. He is a Taurus, born April 26, 2000. The veins on the top of his left foot will clearly show his astrology sign as it is shaped like a Bull's head and the astrological sign of Taurus. As you see displayed above it is well shaped formation of the sacred Bull of the Astrological sign Taurus which is also about material wealth, success, and sensuality. This symbol's meaning match the Runic symbol "S" on his right foot. Taurique is all that. He is very successful. Very sensuous. Very romantic. Always has money. Very loving and compassionate. And he is a warrior. Loves me very much. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This pic above is the way pics should taken so I can give an adequate reading. The chart above is a chart consolidation of all symbols of ancient charts discovered by anthropologists worldwide. Some symbols maybe familiar to you and some may not. However, after studying and researching Samudrika Shastra's origins for over 30 years, I created and consolidated a Samudrika Chart that explains the character, purpose, destiny, and personality of any person by seeing shapes of veins on hands, feet, neck, head, chest, legs, and arms and knowing those symbolic shapes mean to any individual. Below is that Samudrika Chart which draws symbols from the chart above. So, Let's talk about what veins that is glaring at us in our face! Right. The veins on Paydro's right hand which he is specifically showing me, is "n" which is the symbol for "Pi" or Runic "n." down below. Look at Viking Runic chart and the first symbol up at the top that looks like "n" is located and formed with his veins on his right hand. This symbol "n" means "strength." It means that Paydro has a lot of unseen or spiritual strength because the symbol appears on his right. Right always means "that which is spiritual" and left means "that which is earthly or material." Now when we think about strength we usually think about physical strength, but strength can be applied to emotions and mind, too. And this case, that is exactly what strength is being applied to. This guy, paydro is very strong emotions, a very strong mind or mental capacities or abilities, and strong spiritually. He feels deeply about things. He loves deeply and strong. He has a very strong mind. He has determination. He is determine. He is very smart. He is very intelligent. This symbol on his right hand means he uses his hands to express or utilize his emotions, his dreams or aspirations of his mind, and he utilizes his hands to do spiritual activity. And the "Urus" is strong in him. The bigger the vein the more energy there is within it. In Samudrika Shastra, the "n" symbol means moderation. Moderation implies sensibility. Practicality. Balance. Calm. So, This person, Paydro, uses his calm attitude in all matter especially in emotional situations. Now since we are at the right side, what symbol do the veins form on his right foot? His veins shaped two lines that look like this: l l, which in Samudrika lol means ll - "Parallel. Duality. Opposites" Wow. This guy is looking more like a Gemini or Libra by the minute. Because the Gemini symbol is two parallel lines holding up a ceiling and establishing a foundation. Right? Libra symbol is two horizonal lines representing scales with a bow in the middle of the top horizonal line. Right? So, according to the astrological and Samudrika chart, this is Libra or Gemini and I will say that I think he's a Libra, although I'm not sure. But the symbol on his right hand speaks about moderation in emotions, mentality, and spirituality are definitely Libra characteristics more than Gemini straits. The symbol "l l" means in the Samudrika chart: ll - Parallel. Duality. Opposites. Now it appears that this person, paydro has conflicting opposites in his spiritual, emotions, and mental life. It appears that he has a duality in these areas also. It appears that certain concepts and principles appear as opposites existing in a parallel universe and these principles and mode of thinking and feeling do not connect with each other. It appears that these opposites and dualities find a way to be bridged or connected at some point of his life so he will not appear schizo or suffer from schizophrenia. Now Schizophrenia is: a chronic mental illness that affects a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. And Schizophrenia can cause these types of problems: Psychotic symptoms: Hallucinations, delusions, and unusual ways of thinking. Emotional symptoms: Reduced expression of emotions, lack of motivation, and loss of interest in life. Social symptoms: Difficulty in social relationships, withdrawal from social activities, and poor hygiene So, it is a very good thing to have his parallel pathway, dual and opposite realities connect in his near future. Now, I am stating the obvious on the strongest visibility of veins popping out, however, I have seen some details on these vein formations that adds or enhances my evaluation of Paydro. I discovered that the two vein that appear parallel to each other as if they are not connected really are connected. The vein on the right of these two parallel veins have two extensions like this "^" that look like the tip of an arrow and one of those extensions connect with the parallel vein on the left side. But the parallel right vein "l" with the extension on top of it "^" forms an arrow. Also that vein forms a "7" symbol that is Viking Runic symbol below which means, "Warrior." If can't see it, I have circled the arrow symbol above on the Runic chart and below on the area this symbol shows up on his right foot. Another close up gives you a clear picture. So, the charts reveal the meaning of this arrow shaped vein as, Honor, Justice,Leadership, and Authority which are the essential traits of a warrior especially a "Spiritual Warrior." So, these vein structure reveals a Spiritual Courageous Strong Warrior who has a strong mind of independence and can be very opinionated about his views on Life and his Spiritual Life. Definitely I would want to meet him. I was wrong about the Gemini or Libra astrological sign, I think now with this arrow shaped vein being apart of parallel veins which signify duality presents the Astrological sign of the Archer below: This symbol of the Archer is the Astrological sign for Sagittarius! I was in the ball park but I was wrong this guy, Paydro, is a Sagittarius. Wow. And the veins on his right foot told you and me that. Paydro is a fuckin' Sagittarius. And he is also a Spiritual Strong-ass Courageous Strong-willed Determined Sagittarius Warrior!!! wow. Now.... what does the left hand and veins on the left foot tell us about this guy, Paydro Coyle. The symbol formation of veins on his left hand as displayed above and below is the roots and branches of the Tree. The picture above the veins ressemble the branches of a tree. The picture of veins on his left hand below ressemble the roots of the Tree as seen of the tree in the above picture. The tree "t" in Samudrika means Growth. Teacher. Grower. Learner. Wisdom. Fertility. Sensei. Ground.Earthly Rooted. The guy, Paydro, is very rooted to the earthly thing of this world like culture. Society. Politics. Money. People. Any physical thing or persons in the material world, this guy is rooted in it. Whatever, his roots are planted in the soil of the physical reality he grows or sprouts out with branches and start producing fruit from his branches. Warning. Producing good and wholesome fruit highly depends upon what ground he is rooted in. The vein formation on his left foot reveals "y" and "A" which "y" means in Samudrika Chart>>>>Y,y= Humane. Humanity. Compassion. Humanitarian; and on the Runic charts united with another vein and forms a square shaped formation which as you see looks like a box and these veins form a triangle. So, you see a box on top of a box or depending on which direction you view it, a triangle on top of a box. So, we see a 'Y" vein forming a box and a triangle shaped vein. The Triangle symbol on the Samudrika Chart and Alchemy chart means "Earth,"as seen below. Here you can see the square shape and the triangle shaped. Triangle means Earth. So, this symbol of earth confirms that Paydro is very connected to earthly(material) realities in this world. The "y" is humanity which means he really rooted in Humanity and the reality surrounding humanity. He could be a Taurus astrologically speaking....a Sagittarius or a Taurus. Maybe. lol...not sure. I am just reading what his veins are giving me. And then the "y" also forms a box or square which means. The Square has multiple meanings. Here are some of them: Stability and balance: Squares and rectangles can evoke feelings of stability and balance. Reliability: Squares can also represent reliability and solidity. Sacred geometry: Squares are connected to sacred geometry and represent a static configuration of matter. Strength: In character design, squares can represent strength, reliability, and support. Morality: In Freemasonry, the square is a symbol used to teach morality, with the idea that being "square" means being honest and fair. And the triangle symbol means Earth....Paydro is a very structure or organized person or he really likes structure and organization because these behaviors stabilizes him and he is very rooted in these behaviors. So, now you have a complete idea of how I interpret behavior, characteristics and destiny of individuals based on the structure the veins form on the parts of the body, mainly hands and feet. Note: Anyone especially male(men) who want this analysis is $65USD and must send to me at least 6-10 pics of their veins popping in these part body parts" Hands, feet, neck, or Forehead at: [email protected] Thinking about ideas or dreaming about idea and approaches to life is the basis of this person's foundation. Here you can see the markings upclose below: <; O O < H=Knowledge. Scribe. Scholar. Knower. Information. Hierophant H When this symbol is on parts of the body, the foot or hand or even the forehead, it is the sign of the Hieraphant, Priest, Mediator,Negotiator, or Bridge. Breaking down the symbol it depicts two sides: the left "l" and the right side of the symbol "l" being connected by a line "-" joining the two sides together forming a "bridge H" It becomes a "H." The right side of the "H" means Heaven or the Spirit world. The left side means The World, Earth, or material reality. The Priest is one who deals with both of these realities and tries to make peace and harmony with the two sides of realities. A Priest is a sacred person that is the communicator between man/woman and God. He is the one who offers up prayers to God on the behalf of a sinful humanity. In other tribal or ancient civilizations a Priest was a go-between the people and the gods or spirit world. So, when this symbol appears as a H formed by veins, it means all the things I previously mentioned is in the character of that person the symbol is on. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Samudrika Feet analysis. Now, let's find out this guy's personality through Samudrika and other divination charts. The Left foot The Right foot What a specimen. This muscle guy flexes his chest and biceps and the veins reveal his character. Let us start with some basic Samudrika vein patterns that educates us about this individual. On his right pec, he has veins shaped like "X" and "y". Now remember right side means "spiritual" and left side means "Earthly or material." "X" in Samudrika Shastra means Sage, wisdom or one gifted with intuitive knowledge. So, this guy has wisdom or gifted with intuitive knowledge. He gathers information around and inside him from his five senses and applies that information towards his spiritual development. He also is very compassionate and giving which indicated by the vein shaped as a "y." "y" in Samudrika Shastra means compassion, humane, or humanitarian. He believes in fairness in all things and giving love. He also looks like he could kick anyone's ass who comes against him. lol On the left pec, there is a huge vein shaped like "V" or "Y" that has a curve vein at the base which almost looks like a top of the head. The whole figuration resembles a horned- animal like a Bull, Ram, Goat, or Deer. Any horned creature is an ancient symbol of Bull of Heaven. Protector. Warrior. Strength and because it is on his left side, he is an earth warriors. Earth warriors are protectors and promoters of the physical world and all that is within it like people, places, causes, societies, or environments. Physical things. These traits upon his left and right pec are embedded in his heart. So, his mind and body expresses the action of those traits. The right horn is connected to a vein that is shaped like a "Y" with a really long stem. "Y"-Humane. Humanity. Compassion. Humanitarian which means this guy is a warrior or protector of humanity. The two figuration form a "Ladder," which has a vein connecting him to the huge "X," on the right pec means he is an Earthly warrior or protector has uses spiritual knowledge and wisdom to protect, guard, or promote Love, compassion, and unity of humanity. Now, a symbol appears on his right and left bicep that I have only seen in my lifetime twice on a person's body part. His veins shaped a "P" on the left and right bicep. This "P" is a rare symbol that does not appear in the original Samudrika Shastra Chart. Since I have seen it twice, I added it to the chart because it bears meaning to the character of the person it appears on and specific type of action that will occur from the body part it is on. The symbol P appears in the Runic symbol chart and Celtic symbol chart. So, I probe deeper into this "P" symbol and came across an ancient symbol chart which is displayed below: As you can see that on this symbol chart there is ancient symbol "P" which represented in an elaborated way the planet "Pluto." In Astrology, Pluto is the planet that governs two zodiac signs: Aries(the Ram) and Scorpio( the Scorpion). This "P" symbol is located on his right bicep as indicated below..... and his left biceps...... which means he maybe either an Aries or a Scorpio which really doesn't concern me. what really concerns me is what that symbol means and what connection it has on it's wearer. Pluto also is the Roman god of the underworld....Keeper and Guardian of the dead or those souls that were so bad that they lived in Hades(Hell) and could not escape unless a god/goddess from Olympus would bargain with Pluto to release that soul into his or her care. So, Pluto energy is transformative energy that causes thing to change into something else and he had a tremendous amount of it because it is located on each bicep shaped by his veins. It simply means his strength as a warrior is deadly. The "P" also represents and associated with astrological sign Phoenix. In astrology, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, while Phoenix is a rare type of planet called a "hot Neptune": So, what I am thinking that since the 2000's scientist and Astromonists have discovered new planets Like Ceres and Chiron and named them but discovering these planets also changed our Astrological charts and astrology period. So, in my research to discover the relationships these planets have on humans who born each month of the year, I discovered this chart and I think it is a new way of interpreting and determining people born in all 12 months like from January to December. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is the beginning of all things. Aries represents the immaterial energy of the world. Aries rules the month of April. However, Taurus is also in April from the 21st to April 30th. I think that the 21st of April might be ruled by the "Hot planet Neptune" known by the new astrological chart as "Hot Neptune." The Phoenix is a new planet named by Astromonists. Phoenix is The planet Phoenix, also known as TIC 365102760 b, is a "hot Neptune", which means it has a radius that's smaller than Jupiter but larger than Earth. It must be the new Astrology sign in April of anyone born on the 20th to the 30th of April are called now "Phoenix." So, what does this astrological sign Phoenix means or what characteristics it bares upon people born at that period. An illustration shows the exoplanet Phoenix in the glare of its red giant parent star. (Image credit: Roberto Molar Candanosa/Johns Hopkins University) A strange planet discovered with NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has astronomers confused. Despite getting relentlessly bombarded with radiation from its red giant parent star, the world has, against all odds, hung on to its atmosphere. It is also smaller, older and hotter than scientists thought possible for such a planet. In truth, the extrasolar planet, or "exoplanet," should be a bare husk of rock due to its proximity to the star TIC 365102760, located around 1,800 light-years away from Earth. Yet the world, nicknamed "Phoenix," has emerged from the flames of its host star with a nice and puffy atmosphere. Phoenix, or TIC 365102760 b as the planet is officially designated, is part of a rare class of planets called "hot Neptunes." these are worlds with radii smaller than Jupiter's, but larger than Earth's. And, unlike the solar system's ice giant of the same name, hot Neptunes dwell relatively close to their host stars. Phoenix might be an incredible survivor, but the roughly 10 billion-year-old planet's luck and resilience won't last forever. The team that discovered it predicts it will spiral into its giant star in around 100 million years. The Phoenix is a rare bird that is associated with the Virgo zodiac sign. The Phoenix is said to have the personality of a Virgo, but is also two-faced like a Gemini. So, whoever born the 21st - 30th of April are called, "Phoenix." Let's find out the personality of these people born in this time frame. …The Phoenix is a rare bird that is said to have the personality of a Virgo, but the face of a Gemini. The Phoenix is said to blend into the sky, and the tips of its feathers are said to have all the zodiac signs on them. So, this person appears like a Gemini and maybe resemble a Gemini in statue, physical characteristics, facial and vein features, muscle attributes, but has the behavior of a Virgo. The phoenix is associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio. While Scorpio is usually represented by a scorpion, the phoenix is one of several animals associated with the sign, along with the serpent and eagle The phoenix is the god of resurrection and immortality. Some say that people born under the phoenix zodiac sign are: resilient, optimistic, resourceful, determined, flexible, and inspiring. The observations of people born under the sign of the Phoenix is correct. In Samudrika Shastra, vein structure on these body parts:hands and feet would be an An.....or a circle with line extensions below or a "S" or "h" which means power.charisma.authority. The subject, because I was always able as a kid to read people and know who they were without them saying a word of who they were. I just picked up information about them and many times it got me into trouble. So, I talked to Simeon after class many times about this and he said that I was a Bantu which is a Shaman in his Dogon culture and my observations of people was seeing symbols on their face or visible parts of their body such such as hands, feet, neck, and face and those symbols told me things about people. He showed me nine symbols. These symbols are displayed below: Samudrika Shastra Symbol Chart X,x= Wisdom. Gifted with intuitive knowledge. Sage H= Duality. Bridge. In-between. Negotiation. Mediator. Priest. h=Charisma. Power. Dynamic. Energy. Authority T, t = Tree. Growth. Expansion. Learning. Y,y= Humane. Humanity. Compassion. Humanitarian. l=Independence. Ego. Selfish. Identity. Oneness V=Opening Vessel. Romance. Compassion. Portal ll=Parallel. Two worlds. Duality. Double. A = Bull of Heaven. Protector. Warrior. Strength. H=Knowledge. Scribe. Scholar. Knower. Information. Hierophant Z= Modulation. Even. Balance. β = Mother. Nurture. Nurturer. Caretaker. Bearing these symbols were true. I researched them and found their meaning. I also found others through my co-worker Brian who was a receiver with me at Chaucer's Bookstore. He and I researched these symbols and found some these symbols in system in ancient India called Samudrika Shastra. The Sanskrit term "Samudrika Shastra" translates roughly as "knowledge of body features." It is related to astrology and palmistry (Hast-samudrika. We found the proof that vein structure on the human body shaped like the symbols in Samudrika Shastra had the meanings mentioned above and they were related to Astrology, palmistry, and Runic system. So profound was the meanings that it blew my hair back. I started studying these symbols and testing them out on other people who volunteered their time to help me with my research. After doing this for 8 years I started to master knowing who or what people were. So, I started "reading sessions," people paid for my reading sessions. So, now I am now open for some readings that I can do for you mainly men using the vein markings on their feet. If you want Samudrika Shastra reading, just send pics of the veins on your tops and sides to the email below and will inform you about the pics. [email protected] My husband, Miguel. His well-shaped veiny feet which I did a reading on them according to Samudrika Shastra. When I first looked at the formation of veins on his left and right feet...they resemble a waterfall or water pouring out from something which is a symbol of the Aquarius sign. However, he is not an Aquarius. You is a Capricorn. So, the water symbol on your right means Creativity...Dreams....Artistic....He is an artist. On your right foot, The water shaped veins has a "y" within it.....Y is the symbol of Humane or humanitarian. One who cares for others and about other's state or status of living. Water is the element that signifies "emotions" So, as committed you are towards your craft and relationships to strive for perfection and dissatisfied about the results... That is so Capricorn.....need to let out of controlling others and yourself.....just let go....and free yourself of the pressures of imperfection. So he is a great Humanitarian who uses his art to express issues in the world that need to be better! On the right foot, there is a huge vein shaped like "h" which means in Samudrika, "Power/Charisma. In charge.Commander. Spiritual Shaman or Healer. The "h" power charisma symbol branches out to form "Q" " "q" or a circle with a stem attach to it...looks like a Sperm cell which means in Samudrika Growth. Birth to himself, someone, or something. He has the power of "Birth." So, whether it is intimate or casual contact this person will impregnate someone or something to bring birth in that person, place, or thing. This ability or power is very rare and really make him very special. What a interesting person and he is Astrological a Capricorn. Vicente's Feet It is AMAZING to me how people get a hold of information. When I think that they are not interested in Readings or paying any attention to information I am giving about Samudrika Shastra. Then they start showing interest with a comment or sending photos that meets the requirements to the reading in Samudrika Shastra! AMAZING! I have been for the last 10 years putting on the web that I do reading on people according to the guidelines of Samudrika Shastra, especially men folk. No one responds, usually, however, last year someone name "Scottie" responded and sent me pictures of the vein structure located on his tops and sides of his feet. So, I emailed him, stating that I would analyze the vein structure and email the analysis back to him. When he got back the information, he was so happy and he said that the information gave him direction to his vocation. In 2021, it was a guy named, "Morfeo" that sent in pics of his feet. I emailed the information to him and he was thrilled on how accurate it was. This year there was another guy that sent or posted online pics of his hand and forearm. His pictures are below: And this is the forearm I will be analyzing using Samudrika Shastra....So, I will do a reading for him according to the pics he sent and then return the information to him. I have isolated and cropped the pic to the veins showing on his forearm which is presented below: Although the veins on his left forearm resemble roots of a tree, they really resemble a squid which means this guy is a squid person or a Mermen 🧜♂️. In Samudrika Shastra, a squid shape is the ancient symbol, ○ with 3 lines extended from it, lll . Like in the squid symbols below: The symbol represents water and Astrologically is Scorpio ♏ sign. This "squid 🦑 " symbol is representation of water which means dreams, emotions, inspiration, and psyches. It means this guy is inspired or moved to action by inspiration, visions, dreams, and emotions. So, I am open to do Samudrika Shastra readings if anyone is interested. You can email the pictures to me or use the comment area below. Let's start with displaying the Samudrika Shastra Symbol Chart. V- Portal. Opening. Horns. Ram. Goat. Bull. X- Wisdom. Sage. Intuitive wisdom. H- Bridge. In between worlds. Duality. Unity. Mediator. Priest h- Power. Charisma. K- Fire. Inspiration. Passion. O- Sexual. Transformation. Resurrection. t - Tree 🎄 Growth. Fertility. Learner. Teacher. Roots. Connections. A - Bull of Heaven. Protector. Warrior. I - Ego. Singleness. One. Independence ll - Parallel. Duality. Opposites. S - No direction. Flexibility. Indecisive. P - Pluto. Death. Sex. Resurrection. Transformation. Transition. On his left foot the veins form a tree. It can be tree branches or tree roots, depending on the position of the foot..Upside down, it would look like roots. Upside as in the pic, the veins a tree with branches. So. I know he is a "tree" person. t - Tree 🎄 Growth. Fertility. Learner. Teacher. Roots. Connections. According to the Runic Chart, his left foot veins, forms the Runic symbol "protection." This person is all about protection and has the energy to protect others like a warrior. The Astrological Cosmic Chart In astrology, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, while Phoenix is a rare type of planet called a "hot Neptune": So, what I am thinking that since the 2000's scientist and Astromonists have discovered new planets Like Ceres and Chiron and named them but discovering these planets also changed our Astrological charts and astrology period. So, in my research to discover the relationships these planets have on humans who born each month of the year, I discovered this chart and I think it is a new way of interpreting and determining people born in all 12 months like from January to December. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is the beginning of all things. Aries represents the immaterial energy of the world. Aries rules the month of April. However, Taurus is also in April from the 21st to April 30th. I think that the 21st of April might be ruled by the "Hot planet Neptune" known by the new astrological chart as "Hot Neptune." The Phoenix is a new planet named by Astromonists. Phoenix is The planet Phoenix, also known as TIC 365102760 b, is a "hot Neptune", which means it has a radius that's smaller than Jupiter but larger than Earth. It must be the new Astrology sign in April of anyone born on the 20th to the 30th of April are called now "Phoenix." So, what does this astrological sign Phoenix means or what characteristics it bares upon people born at that period. An illustration shows the exoplanet Phoenix in the glare of its red giant parent star. (Image credit: Roberto Molar Candanosa/Johns Hopkins University) A strange planet discovered with NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has astronomers confused. Despite getting relentlessly bombarded with radiation from its red giant parent star, the world has, against all odds, hung on to its atmosphere. It is also smaller, older and hotter than scientists thought possible for such a planet. In truth, the extrasolar planet, or "exoplanet," should be a bare husk of rock due to its proximity to the star TIC 365102760, located around 1,800 light-years away from Earth. Yet the world, nicknamed "Phoenix," has emerged from the flames of its host star with a nice and puffy atmosphere. Phoenix, or TIC 365102760 b as the planet is officially designated, is part of a rare class of planets called "hot Neptunes." these are worlds with radii smaller than Jupiter's, but larger than Earth's. And, unlike the solar system's ice giant of the same name, hot Neptunes dwell relatively close to their host stars. Phoenix might be an incredible survivor, but the roughly 10 billion-year-old planet's luck and resilience won't last forever. The team that discovered it predicts it will spiral into its giant star in around 100 million years. The Phoenix is a rare bird that is associated with the Virgo zodiac sign. The Phoenix is said to have the personality of a Virgo, but is also two-faced like a Gemini. So, whoever born the 21st - 30th of April are called, "Phoenix." Let's find out the personality of these people born in this time frame. …The Phoenix is a rare bird that is said to have the personality of a Virgo, but the face of a Gemini. The Phoenix is said to blend into the sky, and the tips of its feathers are said to have all the zodiac signs on them. So, this person appears like a Gemini and maybe resemble a Gemini in statue, physical characteristics, facial and vein features, muscle attributes, but has the behavior of a Virgo. The phoenix is associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio. While Scorpio is usually represented by a scorpion, the phoenix is one of several animals associated with the sign, along with the serpent and eagle The phoenix is the god of resurrection and immortality. Some say that people born under the phoenix zodiac sign are: resilient, optimistic, resourceful, determined, flexible, and inspiring. The observations of people born under the sign of the Phoenix is correct. In Samudrika Shastra, vein structure on these body parts:hands and feet would be an An.....or a circle with line extensions below or a "S" or "h" which means power.charisma.authority. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the opposite of Aries is his/her partner Libra/Lupus astrological sign. Lupus sign is also the opposite to the Phoenix sign. So, let talk about Lupus. Lupus is a constellation in the southern sky that is Latin for "wolf": Location: Lupus is located in the mid-Southern Sky, south of the celestial equator. It is visible at latitudes between +35° and −90°. Visibility Lupus is best visible at 9 PM during the month of June. It is difficult to see from the northern half of the United States. Aries represent the ram....Phoenix represents the Scorpion as well as the eagle, Lupus represents the wolf. Lupus is said to give an acquisitive, grasping, aggressive, prudent and treacherous nature, with a keen desire for knowledge, and strong ill-regulated passions. So, in Samudrika the symbols Of knowledge H, X, L, W & Q Is Lupus a zodiac sign? Learn all about Lupus Constellation | It lies right between Zodiac constellation Scorpius and Centaurus. The name Lupus is Latin and it means the wolf. Lupus constellation was first spotted by famous Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century BC and cataloged in his 48 then-known constellations list. The person born under this sign is very much like a wolf and even a Lycan or a shape-shifter who changes into a wolf or wolf like characteristics. In modern astrology, Lupus emerged as one of the proposed 13th signs associated with those born between approximately June 21-June 30. If you are on the 16th of November, You are under the Astrological sign of Cuniculus which is represented by "the rabbit." The word Cuniculus has multiple meanings, including a water channel, a type of burrow, and a genus of rodents: This is maybe relevant to water symbols of Samudrika. If you are born under the sign of Cuniculus you will be privileged to lead a very happy and fulfilling life indeed. You are a loveable and loving individual. lll>>>streams; water; a water channel can be represented by V symbol in Samudrika which means vessel or channel or portal. Also represented by the Fork of Neptune which is located on Iago's veins on his left foot left in the above pic. Taurus people are often described as having a strong and stocky build. They tend to be mesomorphic, quick to build and keep muscle and are naturally quite athletic. If they forego exercise as a main part of their routine, it is not difficult for them to pick it up later. As indicated below this guys left foot veins resembles water streaming from a mountain like from a waterfall. The vein formation indicates that this individual is close or connected to his emotions, dream life, and creativity. He He is loveable or a loving individual like the rabbit. Very quick in actions, emotions, and thought. Personally I think he is a Gemini because I have seen this formation on guys born under Gemini sign and also on Sagittarius, too. Qusai, My South African Arab Husband I just recently made friends with Qusai Parez online on Facebook. I think he is in the medical profession. He lives in Cape Town, South Africa. Yeah…...can you believe it! A real African, but he looks Italian or Spanish and he sound British. Lol….hahahahaha, He is into male feet like me and he has great looking thick feet. He reminds me of Ralph. They could be brothers. The splitting image of Ralph. Even sounds like Ralph, Ralph was a Libra. Qusai is an Aries like me. Hmmmmmm. i wonder why the Cosmos would have me meet an Aries like him who looks and acts like Ralph. Anyways…….he sent pics of his feet to me. I requested pics of his veins on the tops and sides of his feet. The ancients also used these two wriggly lines to indicate the Astrological sign Aquarius. Here is the ancient symbol for water using three lines. There are three lines here, which represent the waves of the sea rolling and roaring toward the shore. Notice the veins on the sides of his right foot resemble the waves in the pic above. Water always means emotions, dreams, psychic realm, lucidity, romance, and the unconscious realm. When the veins are run- ning down, It means the water is coming from the sky as in rain as indicated below in the pic. As you see, the three wriggly veins represent the Rain which is water is coming from the sky and falling to earth as raindrops indicated in the next pic below. The vein is shaped like a raindrop which is very similar to the symbol below. See the shape of the vein forms a raindrop. And this symbol for raindrop or water is their on his foot, too. Now it was later stated that water is e- motions, dreams, psychic abilities, the uncon- scious realm, and lucidity, let’s find out what is in this rain that comes to his foundation. There is an “X” within the rain and an upside down “Y.” In fact, the upside down “Y” makes the “X.” The “Y” means humanity or humanitarian. Qusai is an humanitarian sage who wants humanity to have compassion for each other and to use his wisdom to communicate these spiritual principles. Compassion, Love, and Wisdom is in his pathways or foundation written by the veins his right foot. He is a Sage. My advice as a shaman would be for him is to go online and research the term, “Sage.” Another symbol shows on his right foot is “E.” It is seen in the position of the foot. “E” represent this> "∈" symbol means that whatever is written before it is an element of whatever comes after the ∈ symbol. It means that something belongs, "is an element of" something else, in other words, something is included in the set of something else. Something is included in the collection of a set. Here is the symbol “E” and one can see the “E” on his right foot. “E” is that spiritual element of his foundation or soul. Below is another look at the symbol “E” on his right foot. So, as one can see the clear shaping of the veins on his right foot are forming the “E” symbol. It simply mean that the element energy that governs or rule his foundation and soul is water. Also, he has spiritual wealth symbol on his right foot. In Samudrika Shastra, the “F” or I call fork sign. It’s left sided “F” sign. The “F” means wealth or abundance. Since the F is on the right which represents our spiritual life or pathway, it telling me this guy has an enormous spiritual wealth located in “E” energy or element of emotions like compassion, love, hate, anger, gentleness, sensuality, etc. As seen in this pic the “F” is being created by the rain of water. below a “F” symbol. The “F” sign also means fire. Fire means inspiration. “F” sign is being created by the rain. This person can inspire others to do or be better human beings. He also is prone to depression or hate when angered. He knows how to inspire and fulfill his dreams or hopes. Let’s talk a- bout this sign. This triangle also means fire but it also means divine or Diviner. i would advised him research Diviner or Diviners which are very similar to Shamans. Diviner is one who uses various magical object or nature to conjure or manifest events and things into this earthly plane. This is who Qusai is spiritually. Now the side of his right foot. The veins on the sides represents our rooting in life. On the right means rooting in our spiritual life and on the left means rooting in our earthly or material physical life. He has three strong veins showing which means his rooting in his spiritual life is not very strong. He definitely needs to be more rooted and centered in his spiritual life in order to be happy and very well adjusted and complete person. Now, the left foot which represents his material and earthly life have rain- drops, a diamond shaped sign, and an “X” sign. The raindrops represent water. The diamond shaped vein structure represents his astrological sign which is Aries, endurance, pricelessness, and beauty. The “X” represents wisdom, a sage, and common sense. Even on his left foot the sign of water in a Native American ancient symbol of the Water People….shamans call them…”water tribe.” I call them, “the children of Poseidon.” Fascinating. His real name is Said Bitrow and he is a South African portuguese muslim who says that he is held in a sexless relationship with a man who gave him a job out of blackmail. He has a secret which this man who is his Boss knows and controls Saiid through knowing his secret. The secret is probably a theft he done or probably someone he killed. Or probably, a secret society he belongs to. Whatever, he is trapped. He was so rude and angry and suicidal that I had to cut him away from my Facebook, and send 4 of my spirit protector wolves to stop him. i will not hear from him again except, if he has been deceased. What a wasted space of this misguided soul. We loss another one. However, maybe this chapter is not over yet. Maybe there is hope for this individual. Or maybe a new beginning! After 7 , years Qusai found his way back to me. Changed as the vein markings on his feet indicated. Now he wants to be married to me. Now he wants to be my husband. He says that he has been homeless, living on the streets. I am inclined to believe him. He sounds sincere, but he is the child of Presidon. -
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