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Thursday - 9th



well, as we try to amuse ourselves in exile, yesterday, I worked a jigsaw puzzle featuring Bruno - it was amusing - there is one piece which I always think is his navel, however it really is his ear! I would permatize the puzzle, except that I don't have any available wall space. what a dilemma. I have decided to feature Saul Harris for today's posts. he is an example of a model which grew on me to the point where I would really like to get one of him for Christmas. other models have exceptional attributes - hope you like them. our club continues to grow, and I welcome new clubmembers. many thanx for the Likes and Stiffies which keep rolling in (the system caught on to my awarding myself stiffies, so that's out) tomorrow, onward and upward!







Tom001.jpg Tom003.jpg Tom005.jpg Tom007.jpg Woody001.jpg Woody003.jpg Woody005.jpg Woody007.jpg Brock001.jpg Brock003.jpg Brock005.jpg Brock007.jpg Saul01.jpg Saul03.jpg Saul05.jpg Saul07.jpg Harrison01.jpg Harrison03.jpg Harrison05.jpg Harrison07.jpg

  • Like 2
  • Stiffie 5


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